Pick a Bloody Side (Crowley)

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"Sir it's your sister, she is close." The demon said as she lowered the phone, I looked up from my clipboard in time to see her open the door. She was covered in blood, most likely not her own. She was placing the knife into her belt as she walked before my throne. She stopped, she was by far the most beautiful of the demons, her hair was black as night, her skin pale as snow, and she was skinny like mom. She always looked like a typical hunter, dark wash jeans, flannel, combat boot, and leather jackets, she of course was a bit more stylish when she wore them though since her older brother only wanted the best for her. There was no denying who she really was though, since as soon as she met my eyes her own blue eyes turned as red as her lips were.

" Hello Darling, I see you went hunting again. What was it this time?" 

"Demons." She answered in a whisper that only I could hear. She was smiling, remembering probably how she was a better hunter then the Winchester Boys, seeing how she was always hunting with them. She also had more time to develop her skills since she first started hunting with John Winchester after his wife died. The boys didn't know her secret unlike John and Bobby, she actually made both of their deals for me. However along with the Winchester's hunting buddy she was a demon, I declared her Princess of the Crossroads and ultimately the Princess of Hell, and she just told me she killed her own kind.

"Everyone OUT!" I ordered, "You stay." My finger landed right on her as the demons fled the room.

"I don't get why you are so panicked, they didn't reveal me to them, and I am clearly not dead by holy water, or turned human by blessed blood. I have kept my secret like you asked, I have even been wearing the white and blue contacts you bought me so even if my eyes change they will not see. Now can we speed this along, I have to work the crossroad today, these deals aren't going to make themselves." 

"Did you not just hear yourself?" I asked, "You just said you were killing demons and now want to go make deals to take people's souls and turn them into the very thing you just killed." 

"Well that's my job Crowley. You declared me Princess of the Crossroad."

"And I also said you could be a hunter with the Winchesters under two conditions, do you remember what those were?" 

"One: No one other then John and Bobby can know you are a crossroad demon. Two: You are not allowed to go on demon hunts."

"So you just ignored our deal?"

"Yes Fergus I did." She was clearly annoyed now, "You wanna know why? Because your demon minions were possessing children and killing them, making them do their biding, providing them entertainment, and as soon as they got bored made the kids kill themselves. I had to help, I had to teach them that kind of behavior is not appropriate."

"And as Princess you can just command them to stop." 

"So that later on down the road they can just do it again."

"We are not having this discussion. You need to decide who you are!" 

"What the Hell are you talking about?" She snapped at me

"Don't bring Hell into this, and you know exactly what I am saying Gormlaith?"

"Enlighten me." She hissed, her pale arms now crossed in front of her red, opened flannel shirt which overlapped a black tube top. Her one knee was popped out while her other was straight as a board. 

"Well what are you? Are you a demon? If so then why would you kill your brethren for behaving like who they are?  Did you just feel bad for the children, if you did then maybe you are human? But there is one problem isn't there? Ah yes, you have though pretty, red peepers and you are the Princess of not only the crossroads but Hell. So why don't you save me a lot of stress and just pick a BLOODY SIDE!" I erupted as she looked hurt.

"How dare you question me?" She hissed as she stormed out of the throne room

"Where are you going?" I yelled at her before she hit the doorway she had just walked through

"TO DO MY BLOODY JOB!" She screamed as she throw up her middle finger and stormed through the door.

I sank back into the throne and placed my hand to my forehead, then I heard the timid voice of a demon, "Would you like us to go after her sir?"

"No what I would like you to do is get me a bloody drink!" I yelled as I looked at the door waiting for her to come back in.

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