Imagine taking a case in your hometown

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The roar of the impala under you was the only thing keeping you grounded as you rolled down the open black strip of tar with the man you loved and his younger brother. Your head leaned against the window as the millions of trees passed you by, each one bringing you closer to your own personal hell...

"Babe." the sound of Dean's voice echoed through the hall as Dean approached your shared room where you had currently been laying down, your eyes glued to the illuminated screen of the small internet portal you held in your hands, "Babe you gotta get dressed, and pack a bag."

"Why?" You whined as you looked at him, fully comfortable in the memory foam that was swallowing you up. A smile etched onto his face as he looked at you with complete love in his eyes.

"Cause we gotta case, four officers dead in a small town in Georgia, looks like a ghost. We figured we would go check it out."

"Oh." The realization hitting you as though it was a 18 wheeler going far too fast.

"Didn't you say you had family in Georgia, maybe we can stop and say..."

"I think my mother is far too busy to accommodate a visit from her daughter, who has not become a lawyer like her brother or a environmentalist like her other sister." You interrupted, knowing that your mother never was a huge fan of yours, and you doubted she would take a visit from you and the boys as a pleasant occurrence.

"Okay, well meet me at Baby in 15," He instructed, as you nodded in reply, before quickly turning your attention back to the article you were scanning for familiar names, the same article Dean and Sam had just gotten your next case from.

"Well here we are." Dean said pleasantly as he carefully pulled the impala into the parking space outside the police station, the memories flooding back to you as the purring of the engine died away.

"So we have the fake Id....." you failed to hear the rest of the sentence however by the slamming of your own door, your legs carrying you into the building, as Dean watched your hips sway. It took several seconds for both men to establish which fake FBI ids to use, and then they let themselves into the building. Dean's eyes already sweeping over the layout, however they soon caught an interruption when they noticed your back. You were seated on the desk of one of the elder officers, who seemed to be smiling up at you as he chattered away. In your hand they could both see that you were holding a picture frame, as though you had previously been looking at it.

"Hey, did [Y/N] ever tell you where exactly in Georgia she grew up?" Sam whispered as the sound of your own laughter filled the air.

"No, but I have a feeling we just found out." Dean replied as he started towards you, and the older gentleman, who was clearly the one in charge.

"Excuse me, we were looking for Chief Gebel?" Sam asked another officer, who looked as though he was in his mid thirties, and an ex football player.

"Yeah, he is right over there. HEY CHIEF, Feds are here." He snapped quickly as the attention of both you and Gebel's was drawn towards the sound of the man.

"Thank you Eric. Tell me [Y/N] , how long ya in town for?"

"Oh depends on how fast these two get the case closed." You replied with a smile as you pointed toward the Winchesters.

"Well make sure 'fore ya go ya come around again. It ain't been the same since..."

"It was nice to see ya Ernie and I am real sorry again about Herman." You smiled at the boys before politely hopping from the desk and escorted yourself to the front door, where you sat your ass on the park bench you and the previous chief used to eat ice cream on when you were a child.

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