Bye Bye Hair

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"God I love you." Cas whispered as he ran his hand though your hair. He always would find his way to your long hair, he likes to play with it whenever you were cuddling, or kissing. The night in question was a normal cuddle session in the bed of the motel room you got right next to the Winchester boys. For you were currently on a hunting trip, looking for the demon that had decided to start killing citizens. You had a long day tomorrow and the boys had insisted that you go get some rest as they worked on research.
"Sometimes I think you love my hair more." You smiled at him as he looked down at you.
"No, but I must say, it is nice." He leaned down a bit and gently kissed you.

"OMG Jess I love it!"you exclaimed as you opened your eyes finally, revealing the image that was staring back at you in the mirror. For it was the same you, only your hair was different, for it was about 8 inches shorter, and you had to admit it, you loved it.
"I really hope you love it."
"I really do, I just hope Cas loves it."
"I'm sure he will, why did you want to cut off all that beautiful hair again?"
"Oh, I just needed a change I guess." You lied

"So you sure your lover boy can't back us up?" Dean asked you, as you threw your hair into a quick ponytail.
"He said he had some angel junk to deal with today so we are flying angel-less this time."
"Well there is only one so we got this."
"Let's go then." You whispered as Dean lead you and Sam forward. You were all lurking around the dark hallway, shining your flash lights around. As you were looking though you didn't realize that the demon was behind you, until it was too late.
"Ahhhhhhh." You screamed as the demon grabbed your ponytail and dragged you towards him. The Winchesters whirled around and saw him gripping your hair as he dragged you closer.
"Hmmm aren't you missing a feather ass?" The demon asked
"Let her go." Dean growled
"Let me think about this.... Hmmmmm...... No." He pulled your pony again, pulling your head back a bit.
"Go to hell!" You yelled
"Already been, not as great as they say it is."
"Piss off then."
Before the demon could answer you you heard a familiar, "hey Assbutt."
Then you felt a release of your hair and you whipped around, Cas looking down at the demon's empty vessel. He then looked at you, "You okay?"
"Yea. " you said softly.

You looked in your rearview and fluffed your short hair, the only thing you were thinking was, 'why didn't I do this sooner?' You opened the door and headed towards the bunker with your plastic bag filled with pie and the frozen pizza, glancing at the impala knowing that the two boys were home, however your angel was questionable. For he was up in heaven doing whatever angels do lately, so for the past month you wouldn't see him until 11pm and he would stay and cuddle you until the sun rose. However today was different, for you didn't know it yet but Cas was in the library with the boys. They heard the door close and then your voice echo down, "Dean I have Pie!"
"You are so lucky you already claimed her Cas or I would try my hand at getting with her."
"I believe you wouldn't stand a chance." Cas answered remembering the things he said to you yesterday after that demon hunt.

"I don't get why you are overreacting Cas. I mean I'm in one piece aren't I?"
"Well would you be if I wasn't there to save you?"
"Cas I am sure the boys..."
"I was in the middle of very important business when I had to go save you."
"Well no one asked you too."
"Well maybe if you were paying better attention I wouldn't need to save you."
"It grabbed my hair Cas."
"Well I love you too much to lose you, hence why I went to save you. Now if you don't mind I have to go finish my business."
"Which is?"
"I can't tell you, I'm sorry [Y/n]." And with that he was gone.

"I hope you picked up...." Dean started as he walked into the kitchen but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the short haired female in his kitchen. He slowly drew his gun and pointed it at your back, just as you were turning back to face him.
"Yea I picked up the pecan....JESUS Dean!" You jumped when you saw the gun pointed at you, Dean releasing a sigh as the other two ran into the room.
"You got a haircut." Dean whispered as the other two stared at you.
"Yea I did. Didn't know that because of it I would get a gun pointed at me though."
"Sorry didn't recognize you with..."
"Yea I know. Do you like it?" You smiled as Sam smiled, "well it is defiantly different, but different in a good way."
"Yea, it looks cute on you, even if I almost just killed ya because of it." Dean and you laughed, Sam just walked in the kitchen as Dean sat at the table. Cas just stayed in the doorway though, staring at you.
"Well Cas, you wanna beer or..." Sam started but Cas cut him off.
"You cut your hair." He turned his head in the adorably confused way you loved.
"Thank you captain obvious. Now will you please answer Sam." You turned back to the boxed pizza as Cas once again went, "why?"
"Well because it is rude to not answer people."
"No why did you cut your hair?"
"Well I figured it would be easier to hunt with, since just yesterday it almost got me killed and interrupted my boyfriend's vert important business."
"Listen when I said it I didn't..."
"Cas I get it, you weren't trying to be mean, but you made it clear to me that you can't always be there to just smite any creature I need you too. So I figured get rid of the problem, plus I kind of like it better this way. Now do you want a beer or not."
"Yes please. And I like it too." He smiled as he took a seat next to Dean.
"Good. Now where is our next case?"

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