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You were a hunter, you were suppose to be tough, a killer, a protector. When most people think about hunters they don't picture someone who is hopelessly in love, someone who gets weak at the knees in the presence of one man, if you can even call him that, someone who is participating in the most dangerous act of hunting right now. Hunters who fall in love end up dead.

"You have a date?" Sam asked as he and Dean looked at you surprised.
"Yea I do, I left some diner food in the fridge for you both and even got a pie from the store, I left it in the fridge too. I should be home late so don't wait up for me. And don't you dare send Cas to spy on me."
"Well you look fabulous." Dean replied as he pointed his glass bottle of beer towards your turquoise sun dress.
"Thank you. I'll see you later." You walked over to both boys and placed a kiss on their checks before you ran from the dirty, conjoined motel room and towards the sidewalk under your umbrella in the pouring rain. You walked for a bit before you reached the park. You looked up towards the grey sky and muttered under your breath, "Ok dear, I am ready."
"Well don't you look breathtaking." He hissed as you turned to look at his freshly shaven face. You smiled as he reached his hand out to you and you kindly took it.
"I must say you don't look to bad yourself Fergus." You smiled as his smile dropped a bit.
"I knew I should have never told you my real name."
"Oh Crowley, you know you love it when I say it." He pulled you closer, now you both were protected under the umbrella and you were laughing at the closeness you now had.
"So Dove did you...."
"I didn't tell them who the date was with, just not to follow. I mean could you imagine the look on their faces if I were to say, I have been seeing the king of hell now for a few months and am about to attend a date with him."
"Well one day we may have to."
"Today if not that day though." You leaned closer and soon had his lips against yours.
When you pulled apart and opened your eyes you couldn't help but smile. For you still felt like a little school girl when you were with him, you still got the butterflies, the giggles, the uncontrollable smile. You knew deep down he felt the same when it came to you and you could tell that he loved you.
"So Dove what do you feel like having tonight?" He smiled down at you as he wrapped an arm around you.
"Hmmmmm how about Italian?" You answered as you felt the world disappear around you and another take form around you.

A few days later you were walking done the road, you had told the boys that you were going on a quick run to the store. You needed some snack food for the trip home, plus you had seen this adorable teddy bear in the display case when you had bought the boys the pie, and the more you thought of it the more you wanted the little teddy bear dressed up as a devil for your king. However you were unaware that when you walked into the street after you made the purchase that a few demons would come out of the wood works and somehow knock you out.

"Something is wrong." Cas appeared in the middle of the hotel room as Sam and Dean sat at the table, eating some left over pie.
"Well yea, we are out of pie. But [Y/N] went to get more so..." Dean started
"No something is wrong with her." Cas said, "do you know where she was going?"
"She was going to get some stuff for the road at the store. Why?"
"Take me there."
The boys wasted no time piling into the impala and speeding towards the store. When they got there they were greeted by the plastic bag spilled on the pavement.
"What could have happened?" Sam asked
"I have a pretty good idea, and I think there is only one man who can answer us. Dean, get the devil trap ready." Cas instructed.

"Squirrel, Moose, Giraffe, why is it that you can't just call, I mean really summoning me into a devil's trap is getting old."
Crowley, what did you do with her?" Dean growled
"What do you mean? Hey aren't you a member short?"
"Crowley we know that you took her to get to us, now where is she?" Dean was trying so hard to keep his anger in check but it wasn't going to last long.
"Wait, someone took Dove?" Crowley's eyes widened with fear, for he had no idea she was gone and knew that there was only one reason that someone would want her, and it had nothing to do with the Winchesters that she cared for so dearly or the baby in a trench coat who made her smile so much, it was him. The little demon king who she loved so deeply, who loved her despite the fact that he was suppose to be incapable of love. For he knew that there were demons in hell who wanted to ruin him, overthrow him from the throne and command hell without him, he thought that he had kept her a secret, kept her safe, for she was the only true weakness he had.
"Don't act like you had no idea." Cas snapped pulling Crowley back to reality. He looked into the blue eyes and then traveled to the hazel, and finally fell to the green eyes.
"I had no idea really, for why would I take the most precious thing I have, I do however know who took her and possibly where we could find her, but first you must let me out of this bloody trap.
"I will, once you tell what the hell you mean about her being the most precious thing you have."
"Oh Squirrel, she didn't want me to tell you but she will understand I guess. We have been seeing each other for the past few months and I love her. The reason she was taken was probably to hurt me. As you no doubt know not everyone is pleased with the change of command."
"So she was taken because of you?" Sam asked
"I believe so and chances are she was taken to the head quarters, which is a warehouse not far from here and trust me, I will waste no time torturing them with the most torturous torture they have ever seen."
"Fine." Cas walked up and dragged his foot though the circle, creating a small gap to form, "take us."

"This should be the place." Crowley moved the shrub branches to reveal the abandoned warehouse, some of the windows glowed with light which could only be caused by a light or fire.
"How many do you estimate are in there?" Sam asked as the four of them looked towards the building.
"Anywhere between 5-20 probably."
"Well this should be a walk in the park." Dean sarcastically said
"It's not you they are after so you should be ok, however for Dove and I..."
"Let's not think about that." Cas cut in as he started towards the warehouse with the others.
"So here is the plan..." Dean started but was cut off by your screams. For inside about 7 demons where torturing you, they have to tied to a table, only your panties and bra on, as they slowly sliced you open. For your screams were all Crowley needed to hear. The other three turned to see the Scottish King had vanished and they ran inside after him.
Crowley was on the second level, down the hall was the room with light, and where your screams were originating from. He set off towards the light, his face contorted with anger. He peeked into the sight and then walked in causally.
"Don't you know it's not nice to treat your honored guest like that?" He said, causing every head to turn, including yours. Crowley saw the tear running down your face and he quickly filled with more rage.
"By honored guest you mean your cheap fuck." A demon hissed
"No I mean your future queen." And then with just a snap of his fingers the demons disappeared. He hurried towards you, throwing his coat off and laying it over you as he worked at freeing you. Within seconds your hands and feet were freed and Crowley had you wrapped in his jacket and in his arms.
"What....what did you...."
"I sent them to the deepest point in hell, where they shall only know pain and agony."
You smiled as you buried your head deeper into his chest. The boys then came running in and before you knew it Cas had placed a hand on you, causing all the scars to disappear.
"Thank you giraffe." Crowley replied as he pulled you closer to him before you disappeared into the hotel room where he gently set you on the bed, his hand instantly finding their way to your duffle and pulling out a pair of sweats and a black tank top for you. After you were dressed you tried to return the jacket but he put his hand up and said, "No darling, it looks far better on you."
"So what do they know?" You whispered as he sat next to you on the bed and placed a hand on your knee.
"Well they know we have been seeing each other for a while and that I have something to tell you."
"And that would be?"
"I love you."
"What... Did u just  say....."
"I love you. I have for a while now but I never knew how to tell you. However seeing you on that table made me realize it didn't matter how I told you, as long as I did."
"I love you too Crowley." You leaned your head up and kissed him, sadly though you were cut short though when Dean said, "gross, really guys get off each other."
"What Squirrel, are you jealous?"
"No just disgusted that you would put your dirty, demon mouth anywhere near her."
"Now that wasn't very nice."
"Well I am not nice to your kind."
"What do you mean..."
"THATS IT!" you yelled, causing all three to look at you, "I love him Dean, and if you don't like that then fake like you do because I refuse to give up the love of my life because big bad Dean Winchester can't handle the King of Hell dating his hunting buddy. So ether get out or stop bitching!"
And then he left, Cas and Sam not far behind, leaving you and Crowley to make out, along with other things 😉

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