Imagine leaving a Lockdown

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A week..... Seven consecutive days you were a prisoner. You were on the verge of screaming but you couldn't, not without alerting someone, and making them think something was wrong.

However something was wrong, you knew you wouldn't be in lock down if something wasn't, but this was ridiculous. You were going stir crazy, and the daily phone messages from your current employer was not helping.

"Listen, I know who the hell came into my restaurant and dragged you out of here, and what they are capable of. However I am capable of calling the police and telling them about how a man bearing a reaper and scalp tattoos came into my store and kidnapped my employee and threatened to shot me and my other staff members if we didn't allow you to go with him."
"You know that never happened, and I doubt..."
"I have been fair, I have let you play hide out for a week now, and if I don't see you in an hour, I promise you, the police will be at your little garage."
"You are kidding right?"
"No. Now get your ass over here, and remember any damage done to my store by your gang or another comes out of your paycheck."
"Fine." You hissed into the other end of the phone, before hanging up and throwing the phone against the wall with a scream.

"Bade what's wrong?" Juice asked as soon as he threw the door open, and watched you dress, a pencil skirt hugged your hips as you buttoned your blouse.
"Nothing is wrong Babe. I am just getting ready for work." He looked to the side and saw the remains of your phone, and then looked back to you, seeing the tear soaked cheeks.
"Why, we are in lockdown, you can't...."
"I know, however I have a busy client list today, apparently a lot of brides need dresses."
"I can't let you..."
"Juan, I need to get the hell out of this clubhouse, and I am not going to lose my job because a bunch of pansy biker bitches decided that they no longer liked you and your biker gang."
"I know babe, I promise you when this is over..."
"I am going to be late, I have to go." You said pushing past him, and running to your car, which sat in the late by Tara's. As you did you could hear Juice shouting after you, to come back, to stop, that it was dangerous, and you refused to listen. He reached out and even grabbed your arm, however you tried to shake it off, which failed, you stood in the lot and turned to the man, "Juan, I will be fine, I am sure all this shit with the Mayans is over anyway, Clay is just too drunk to tell you all."
"Listen I will talk to your boss, explain the situation, and tell him that firing you would be stupid."
"If by explaining you mean shoving a gun in his face then no. I need to go now." And you freed yourself from his grip and to the car, which you tore out of the lot, before he could react. He started towards his bike, ready to follow you to work, and sit in the shop all day, making sure you were safe. However before he could start the bike, Chibs was already there stopping him.
"Juicy boy." He hissed, "this isn't smart brother. I am sure the lass will be fine."
"Chibs, I can't let her go out there alone, knowing the Mayans want us dead."
"The bastards don't even know about her, so I am sure she is safe." Chibs reassured as he clapped a hand on Juice's cut and lead him back to clubhouse, anxiety still filling his body as he was lead through the door.

However neither man knew that when you arrived at work, it was not your boss waiting for you outside the store front.
"Hey aren't you Ortiz's girl?" A man with tan skin and black hair asked as you locked your car. When you looked at him you saw he was wearing a pair of sunglasses, blue jeans, boots, a black tee shirt, and a leather cut, that looked similar to Juice's. The main difference you saw though was when you read the words Mayan on the patch.
"Whose askin'" You asked as he pushed of the wall of the bridal store
"The man about to kidnap you." He smiled as you felt an object hit you over the head, causing your vision to go black as your body began to fall.

As the California sun set over the Charming horizon Juice was standing in the lot, his sunglasses on, no cut, just waiting for your car to pull in as he leaned on his bike. You had been gone for eight hours now, and his anxiety was now sky rocketing. It took everything he had to not speed to the shop an hour after you left. As the sky became dark he was now panicking, you were always home before dark, unless you called ahead, and told him you were stopping at the house quickly to collect some clothes for the night. However when the lockdown began he made sure you packed two weeks of clothes, you should have still had enough. He slowly took the glasses off and started towards the clubhouse, his step quicker then normal as he came face to face with his VP.
"Jax, I gotta go."
"We are in...."
"My old lady isn't here yet, she didn't call and is late. The store closes at 6, it is 8:30."
"Are you sure she...."
"I have to go check, I won't wear the cut." He said, normally this would never happen, the cut meant so much to him, but not more then you.
"Okay brother, when you get her make sure you call and tell us she is safe."
"Thanks brother." He said as he quickly ran back out to his bike, and sped towards the bridal store. He saw your car when he arrived to the dark store, the door and curtains closed and no light coming from the store front. He parked next to your car, and peeked into your dark windows. He looked next to him as he put the kickstand down and he saw them. Your keys laid on the ground, and a few drops of blood, his eyes widened as he leaned down and took your keys into his gloved hand, and then he scrambled to grab his phone with the other hand.
"She's gone." He gasped out as his chest became tight, tears prickling the edge of his eyes as he heard silence on the other end.
"I know."
"What do you mean you know!"
"After you left, we received a call, from a man named Manuel. He demanded half a million, in exchange for a still living old lady. He gave us till tomorrow, or else..."
Juice didn't hear the rest, his breathing increased, sweat began to form and his chest hurt, the phone fell from his hand and hit the concert as he placed his face in his hands, trying to calm down. He didn't know how long he sat there, or what time it even was, but soon he felt a hand touch his back, triggering him to spring up and look at the salt and pepper man next to him.
"We have to find her."
"We will brother."
"I can't.... I can't do this without her." Juice gasped out as Chibs looked at his young brother.
"Aye Juicy boy, we will."

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