Imagine seeing everything that happened in episode 5.11 of AHS

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{} contain alternate words for all the men who are reading this

You came walking into the hotel like you always did, you went to the elevator, Liz saw you, she saw everything but she couldn't stop you, for your finger had already pressed the button causing you to shoot up to the top floor. The door opened and there is where you saw it.... Blood. You ran out of the door, dropping any form of luggage you had, when reaching the den you could see the bullet holes in the wall and the broken glass on the floor and table. Everything bloody, causing you to follow the blood trail, which lead no where. You did the only thing you could think of, ran to the bedroom where you were greeted by the bloody body of Rowena.
"This can't be all her blood." You called behind your shoulder.
"Welcome home." Liz replied.
"Liz... Where is Mother?"
"Dead, her body is in the basement, her head..."
"Is in father's trophy room." You coldly answered.
"Donovan is died too, he died in the shoot out that first damaged your mother."
A tear started to run down your cheek, "What of the children?"
"Died, all of them except your half brother."
"Did you kill them, like you did Donovan?"
"I did no such..."
"Oh please Liz I am not stupid. I know after Tristan's little incident you were going to kill her. However I don't understand why?"
"If you knew anything about love you would." She hissed as you whipped around.
"My mother gave you everything! She may not have turned you like she did the rest of us,but she loved you like you were one of us! She gave you a place where you could be who you really are and not what you were expected to be! You owed that woman your life and instead you kill her!"
"John Killed Her!" She screamed back but before she could even finish her sentence the gun went off and the bullet found her heart.
"Being alive for so long has taught me, to draw quicker then the bullshit coming out of your mouth. You were always kind to me Liz, but my family comes first and after your behavior... Well I just can't call you my sister any longer." You walked past the corpse, leaving you luggage behind and pressed the button to go down.
"Father! Hazel! I'm ho..."
"Never speak that NAME IN MY PRESENCE AGAIN!" Your father yelled from the opened trophy room.
As you approached you could see him looking fondly at something, and upon standing in the doorway saw what.
"Really her whole head, when Liz told me I figured she was joking."
"No it is her whole beautiful head."
"So now she is trapped here, what will you do?"
"Simple my dear {boy} kill you."
Before you could even react the blade was through your stomach, your mouth agape as you looked from the knife in your father's hand to his smiling face.
"Now that I have contained my bride it is only appropriate I contain my only daughter {son}, who she poisoned so long ago."
And then your world went black and you were greeted by a familiar voice saying, "Surprise Bitch {Asshole}. Bet when you shot me, you didn't expect this."

This was going to be a long eternity now.

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