Imagine lying to your mother about your date's true identity

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"Excuse me." Your mother snapped as you stood before her, your dress hugging your legs tightly as the top clung to your breast, your shoulders were covered by a black knitted shawl and your shoes made you three inches taller, your mother never let you wear flats.

"I said I had a date, and that I request Butch not to follow me, or any of your other puppets."

"And just who would be ballsy enough to take you out, knowing that I was..."

"His name is Peter Humboldt. He is taking me to Sal Maroni's restaurant where he works."

"What position does he work baby?"

"He is one of Maroni's new right hand men, I promise you mother, I am only looking for information, nothing more."

"Good girl, but if I..."

"If he sees Butch or anyone else he might think somethings up and blow my cover, I also told I was the daughter of just a lowly street performers so that he didn't know I was your daughter."

"Oh, well I expect a full report tonight." She looked you down and pointed, "1 o'clock sound good to you."

"You never let me out that late when I dated..."

"Penguin was a no good rat who didn't even deserve to be in the same room as a diamond like you. Honestly I don't even know what you saw in that boy."

"Nor do I mother. But I really must go, I promised I would meet him at the restaurant."

"Go darling. Have fun, and remember...."

"Don't blow him till after I get the information I know." You huffed as you raced out the door and around the corner.

"You want me to follow her Boss?" Butch said as the door slammed behind you

"No Butch, I trust her." Fish smiled, before turning back to her drink.

When you were safely around the corner you saw him, he was standing on the steps of the flower shop, his gaze was opposite of your direction and your eyes started to water.

You laid in your bed, where you found yourself often since the day your mother told you with a smile that the man you loved was at the bottom of the bay of Gotham where he belonged. You had never seen anything wrong with Oswald Cobblepot but your mother never approved of the relationship you shared. It was on this particular day though as you cried into your pillow that something amazing happened. Your phone began to buzz on your nightstand, causing you to wipe your eyes and take it into your hand, not bother to look at the foreign number on your screen.

"Hello?" You said, your voice shaky from tears.

"Well I hope you are not weeping because of me?" His voice filled your ear, and your heart stopped/

"Is this some cruel joke?"

"No my love. Gordon lied, I am very much alive. And I am home, I am working in the restaurant of Sal Maroni. I need to see you, meet me at the flower shop around the corner from the club on Saturday, and come alone."

"Of course." You answered as he hung up.

He then turned to you, his face lighting up when you met his eyes, his own watering as you started walking towards him again, and wrapped your arms around him while he stood under the umbrella.

"I thought you were a ghost." you gasped as he wrapped an arm around you.

"I am here my love, and I plan on becoming the new king." He whispered back as you shushed him.

"Shhh my dear, I know, but for now I just want to hear where you have been, and why you have waited so long to reveal yourself?"

"Well then let us go, I am sure my mother would love to see you again." He said stepping away and offering you his arm, which you gladly took before resting your head on his shoulder. You felt at home for the first time in weeks, and wondered how long it would last.

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