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"JUST GIVE ME A SECOND!" you shouted as you slammed the door to the room and sank to the floor, hands tangled in your hair as the tears made their way down your face. You slammed your eyes shut as you pressed your forehead to your knees. The voice in your head just kept whispering as you cried,

"You are nothing but a stupid, ugly, fat, pathetic bitch, I don't know why you think he likes you, he only pities you."

"Shut up." you whispered

"Why, the truth too much. I mean if you really believed he loved you then why did you run away?"

"Because of you. Just GO AWAY!" You shouted, slamming your hands onto the cement floor

"You just don't get it yet, do you? I will never go away." The voice slyly said as Sam lightly knocked on the door. You quickly wiped your eyes and stood up, fully aware that you looked like a hot mess... an ugly, fat, stupid mess that shouldn't be seen with someone as....

"Are you ok?" Sam asked as you answered the door, you already knew he was going to be concerned, I mean your eyes were rimmed red.... because you are nothing but a baby, a big old cry baby...

"Yea, i'm fine. Let's just go." You slipped past him and headed towards the car, determined that you would have a successful, peaceful diner date.

"You ruined everything, as usual." You whispered to yourself.

"Who me? I think you ruined it all by picking out that awful colored dress."

"You know something, when I said I would take Sammy's place I didn't know it meant you would NEVER LEAVE!"

"And that my dear is why he pities you, he knows he owes you more then ever. I mean you took on the devil himself for him, you had no soul for God knows how long, you were tormented for him, and the only way he thinks he can repay that debt is doing the one thing you always wanted."

"You know something, piss off." you stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door, hoping that would keep him out.

"Where you go I go. That's how this friendship works sweetheart." He smiled

"Oh yea I forgot, sorry." You looked at your face in the mirror, it was still your face, however in your mind you saw the flesh being peeled off, flashes of red filling the empty space behind you.

"Face removal nice touch." You responded as you slowly started to wipe the makeup away. You appeared unfazed however inside you were screaming.

"Ahhh there is that beautiful sound, still trying to hide it from the boys?"

"No, I am just trying to ignore you."

"Well you know, one day you are going to run into the newly proclaimed God, and he will spill the beans."

"I'm not listeninggggggg."

"You know, I think Sammy would love to have a beautiful blonde bombshell, more then a brunette dud like you."

"Shut it Lucy." You snapped

"Oh you even have a nickname for me! How about I use this one you have hidden away in that empty noggin of yours.... Ahhh yes reject."

With that your fist went flying against the mirror causing it to crack everywhere.

"And there is the [Y/N] I love."

"I said shut your cakehole Lucy."

"Good morning Beautiful." Sam muttered as his eyes fluttered open, you however had been wide awake since four, when you woke up in a cold sweat from dreaming about the hole, and about Lucy killing everyone you loved.

"Good Morning Darling." You whispered

"Good Morning Mr. Liar and Mrs. Crazy."

"How did you sleep?" He asked

"Like a baby." You forced a smile

"OH maybe you two are meant for each other! Mr. Liar, and Mrs. Crazy Liar!"

"How long have you been up, watching me?"

"About 10 minutes, you looked to peaceful to wake up." He leaned forward and peeked your forehead before rolling over and out of bed.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked as he began to change into his jogging gear.

"Not see the devil himself torture you."

"Well don't we have a case?"

"Well yea, but we both know Dean will not be up for another 3 hours. I could always skip the jog, and maybe we could...."

"Well then get over here ya big Moose." You smiled

"And this is why he pities you, that is not how you show someone you want to have sex with them, God you really are stupid."

As you both laid there out of breath and entangled in each other, you couldn't help but notice Lucy seated on the desk.

"Well that was awful."

"So you think we should get up now?" You asked, fearing that his words were true.

"Well we could always go for round two?"


"Ummmm no I think I will go make some coffee. You just stay here, and rest a bit." You leaned over and kissed him quick before grabbing your black robe and running out of the room.

"Why you running out so quick? Finally understand that I, Lucifer, am the only honest one in the joint?"

You quickly made it to the kitchen and started the brew, pulling the three mugs out and waiting.

"Oh [Y/n] please say something."
"Really you are acting childish."

"I'm not the one sounding like a three year old."

"Oh jeez, really I can't live with this silence. That's it I'm leaving!"

"We both know you aren't going to leave."

"Yea your right. Lets face it, other then your sorry ass, I have no one."

"Gee I wonder why?"

"I don't know I mean I am charming. Aren't I?"

"Yea and also a major dick."

"Well that is harsh."

"Well what do you want me to say Lucy? That I like it when you insult me, that I like it when you keep me up at night, or show me memories of the hole. I mean honestly, I get that you are Satan but you are a bigger dick then Crowley is at times. So why don't you just get the hint and LEAVE!"

"Oh please, you already know that I am going no where."

"Oh you will, one day."

"Hey babe, did you hear the sound of angel wings?" Sam asked as he walked into the kitchen, however you saw as he stopped dead in his tracks, it took only a second to realize that Cas was right behind you.

"Can you two just stop for five seconds?"

"Cas what are you talking about?"Sam asked.

"Opps the secret about to come out, better grab the popcorn."

"I'm tired of her and my brother bickering all the time."

"Cas are you saying..."

"Lucifer's taking up a permanent residency in my head. Yea that's what he is saying."

"Wow out of your mouth, good thing we didn't place a bet on this."

And then silence, absolute silence.

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