I love you Lass, and I always Will

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It was a party.....

The music was loud and the air was smokey, and reeked of cigarettes, alcohol and car oil....

The fact that no one could hear above the music, or the pool balls, or the laughter of the guests made you smile as you stood on the dance floor, dancing like a drunk girl acting sexy with Tara to your left, Lyla to your right. Your old man sitting on the couch smiling as he watched to move your body with your drink of choice above your head.

Your dress was strapless, and short and tight, your heels making you three inches taller and your lips were red and luscious.

And then the smile fell when he saw a hand creeping up your leg, the hand belonged to a younger man, and his blood boiled as you never protested, as you danced into him.....

And then he thought to himself, maybe this was wait you wanted, for he was grey, already had a daughter and an ex wife, he doubled you in age almost....

Maybe all you really wanted was a younger man, who you could grow old with, and not someone who will die before you even reach the over the hill age. He knew he would never stop loving you, and yet he found himself pushing himself off the couch and walking to his bike, he didn't start it up though until he pulled his phone out and sent you, "I will love you until the day they put me in the grave, and even after that I will still love you for a thousand more years."

And then he pulled away, leaving you behind.


It was a party.....

The music was loud and the air was smokey, and reeked of cigarettes, alcohol and car oil....

The fact that no one could hear above the music, or the pool balls, or the laughter of the guests made you smile as you stood on the dance floor, dancing like a drunk girl acting sexy with Tara to your left, Lyla to your right. Your old man sitting on the couch smiling as he watched to move your body with your drink of choice above your head. You felt the hand creeping on your thigh and in a drunken state just assumed it was Chibs who was touching your bare flesh, all senses numbed by the 13 shots you had taken before this dance.

Yet when you saw Chibs leaving the bar, the look of defeat on his face, you knew you made a mistake. You quickly turned, the smack of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the room, yet no one heard it over the bass of the song. You looked in wonder at the attractive young stranger, yet it was not as attractive as your old man. Grabbing his collar you quickly pulled him closer and lowly growled in his ear, "Touch me again, And I promise you I won't be the only one cutting your fingers off one by one."

You released him, taking note of his white, terrified face and then pushed him away from you. Then your heels were clicking against the floor, leading you in the direction Chib's went, but he was already gone when you made it outside. "I am sure he just went to get a pack of smokes, or maybe he didn't know I brought a pack of condoms with me, just in case." You thought to yourself as you stepped up on the wooden bench, and sat on the table, "I am sure he will be back, and then I can just apologize for not knowing it wasn't him."

And soon 10 turned to 12,

And 12 turned to 2....

The music died down and soon everyone was slowly filing out, or passing out, and yet you still sat on that table, lying to yourself about him coming back.

And soon 2 became 7 AM, and you were greeted by the faint rays of sunshine and the long waited tears.

"Now why is a beautiful thing such as yourself crying this early in the morning?" Jax asked as he stood in the doorway, a fresh cigarette lit in his mouth as he sat beside you.

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