Hey God it's me... (Cas)

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(Based off of "Dear God" by Avenged Sevenfold)

"Are you sure you don't wanna go?" Castiel asked her again

"Yea Feather Ass, I'm sure. Trust me, I can be more of a help here in the war room then in some gross, cheap hotel room." She smiled, a smile I knew my warrior Castiel loved

"I'll miss you." He whispered as he placed a kiss onto her head

"I'll miss you too, now go before Dean lectures you again about how we leave in ten means your ass better be in Baby in the next ten minutes or you get the floor at the motel." She lightly hit his arm before he stole a more intimate kiss and ran off towards the already running Impala. He didn't hear her whisper to herself as he left, "Please God keep him safe."

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

As the Impala glided along the black stream of tar and gravel we now call roads, Castiel leaned his head against the cold glass, looking out at the many stars that he so long ago placed in the sky. His mind wandering back to her, wondering what she was doing. He didn't want to be driving towards a Witch right now that need to be stopped, he just wanted to be in the only other place he ever called home. He just wanted to listen to her breath as she slept, or her read to him from a old book that she found hidden somewhere in the library, or even her just talk about nothing. He was counting the miles he and his companions would have to drive back just to be in her arms again, just to feel the touch of her hand, or her lips. He wanted so much to be home, but instead was stuck in the backseat of Dean's Impala. 

"Why don't you just call her dude?" Sam asked, turning his head to look at him

"Call who?" Castiel asked, trying so hard to seem like he wasn't love sick over the separation

"Cas, you have looked like a freaking lost puppy since we left [Y/N] behind. Now call her or so help me I will find a bee and swish it in front of you." Dean barked, if only he knew that would not only make Castiel more sad, or the bee sad because he died, but it would upset me, for the bee did nothing wrong and yet Dean would commit an act of murder just to prove a point.

I turned from that scene in the car to the bunker, looking in to see her making a cup of tea to go with her newest discovery, for the Men of Letter had hidden a original copy of The Crucible  away in the shelves and she had discovered it, determined that it take her mind of the absence of Sam flipping pages or typing away, Dean's pranks and whining about a lack of pie, and Castiel. She plopped on the bed and opened to the first page, but was interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing.

"Hello." She said sweetly

"Hello." The husky voice replied, which caused her heart rate to increase and her smile to glow.

"So I see you made it to the Impala in time." 

"Yes I did, thank you for helping me with that." He was smiling, the boys were even smiling, they knew how much you both loved each other, and how dark and miserable her life seemed before he made everything brighter. They were happy that at least one hunter got what seemed like a happy ending

"Hey I forgot to tell you something before you left."

"I swear I remembered to pack my fake FBI stuff and have rehearsed how to properly act as an agent." Castiel said, causing her to giggle into her hand

"No silly, I forgot to tell you I loved you Feather Ass." 

"I love you too Angel."

"So what are you doing right now?"

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