What its like to Sleep with the Supernatural men

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"What are you doing?"
"The boys called need information about this case they're working. Gotta find the meaning of this symbol."
"Bobby they called at 5....it is now 2 in the morning."
"Come to bed." You whined
"But I gotta..." He started.
"Robert Singer, the only thing you got to do is get your ass in that bed."
"We will find the symbol in the morning over bacon and coffee, but now..."
"I know I know, get my ass in bed." He sighed getting up and waking towards you, " you are so bossy sometimes."
"Yea, yea I know, would you love me if I wasn't though?"
He just chuckled and walked by you, as you followed behind him.
As he went to get ready in the bathroom you both shared you laid down on your side, and stared out the window, as your eye lids grew heavy. By the time Bobby got out of the bathroom you were softly snoring, he could do nothing but smile a little as he climbed into bed, knowing that in the morning he would wake up to you curled into his side like you always did.


"So what are we watching today?" You asked as you laid your head on the archangels lap, as he pressed the play button on the remote.

"Coming to America." He smiled as the movie started.
"Hey wanna pass me the candy bowl Babe?" He asked as you reached forward and grabbed the empty bowl.
"Shit." He hissed as you looked into the bowl, "and we are all out of candy."
"Don't worry Angel, I'm here to save the day." You smiled as you sat up and reached over to grab your purse.
"Babe I don't think a mint you stole from..." His eyes widened though as you pulled out a large bag of lollipops.
"I figured I would pick these up for you." You smiled as you handed them to him and resumed your position of laying down.
"Girl you are too good for me." He said as he unwrapped one and put it in his mouth.
"I know." You smiled.
Pretty soon you were sleeping soundly, as Gabriel played with your hair. When the movie ended he laughed, "Alright Babe what movie should we watch next?"
His only answer though soft snore as you slept away. He smiled before taking out his phone and snapping a quick photo before continuing to watch the comedies offered on Netflix.


"Luci it is hot as hell in here." You whined as you walked into the throne room in just a tank top and boy short underwear that read 'Ain't No Angel' across them.
"Well sweetie if you didn't notice, it is hell." He said, looking at you with desire in his eyes as he laid across the throne.
"Well let's cool it down a bit. I'm sweating Mascara into my eyes." You plopped onto his stomach and looked down at him.
"That won't happen until hell literally freezes over." He smiled as he placed a hand on your thigh.
"Well then let's go to the bedroom, I'm tired." You whined leaning back against the chair.
"No you aren't you just want the AC."
"Yea your right." You smiled and hopped off him, walking back towards the exit and finding your way to the room you shared with the devil.
"I guess we can sleep, or at least you can." He smiled as he followed you and climbed under the covers while you closed the door and turned the AC on high and flopped on top of the covers.
"I still can't believe you think it is too cold in here at night?" You teased as you wrapped an arm and leg around the burrowed fallen angel.
"Well I am cold in anything under 230 degrees." He smiled as he turned and buried his head into your chest.
"I know." You whispered as you shut your eyes and slowly fell asleep as Lucifer just enjoyed your happiness because even though he couldn't touch your barely clothed body, he didn't care, your happiness was all that mattered to him.

"How could he just leave like that?" John yelled as he slammed the bottle of Jack on the table, for Dean was at the bar, drowning his sorrows in some bimbo with too tight of a dress on, and Sammy, well Sammy heading towards Stanford. Leaving you with the man you loved, drinking his heart away.
"John, maybe it's for the best, I mean you know Mary never wanted this life for either of her sons."
"Yea but Men don't leave their families."
"How many times have you left those boys, either with Bobby, me or by themselves and went off by yourself on a job huh? Was that not technically leaving your family?"
"That was different." He growled, you knew you pressed a button.
"Look at me." His head remained hung, "John!" His head snapped up and if looks could kill you would be dead."
"Listen I know it hurts like hell but you have got to accept the fact that Sammy is an adult now, and not all children of hunters can be like Dean! Mary told you she never wanted her children to be hunters and look what happened! Let him live his own life John."
At this he started to tear up, something you had never seen John do.
"What if something goes after him though, what if he dies and I.... I can't save him?"
"Sammy's not a dumb kid John, you raised those boys to survive and if he need help with the supernatural you know that you, or Dean, or Bobby will be the first people he calls for help."
"I can't lose my boy." He whispered, letting his head rest on the table, as you slowly got up and wrapped your arms around his back.
"You ain't losin your boy Baby. Now what do you say I get you to bed, get some shut eye. I'll find ya a case on the morning, get your's and Dean's mind off this."
He got up on his own and let you lead him to the bed, tears still falling from his eyes as he threw off his shirt and pants and climbed into the motel bed, you throwing on your flannel pj pants and a tank top. Once you got in you both got in the normal position, his arm thrown around your shoulder as you laid practically on his chest.
"Goodnight baby girl." John hoarsely said, as you shut your eyes.
"Goodnight Baby." You whispered and listened to the soft whimpers of a broken man.

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