She is just the distraction

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"Why is she allowed to be with someone else? You made her just as you made him, she is parading around on his arm, drinking from your bottle, sleeping and have sex with him every night except the nights you haunt his mind. Why can she have love but I can't!" Liz yelled as Tristan's bloody body laid on the floor.
"Whatever are you taking about love?" The countess asked as she turned towards Liz.
"Oh don't think I don't know about the Mrs. I pour her drinks, I know her order, Bloody Mary, made with A positive."
"Well darling..."
"What did you do, just change her to distract your husband?"


"I need your help?" The countess said to you as you made her bed, the bed you once slept in.
"With what Madam? Is there another blood stain in your gown from last evening's kill watching?"
"No with James." Your head lifted, your eyes widened.
"Madam you aren't going to kill him, are you?"
"I would never. I need to get away, distract him. And who better then the woman he was once set to marry?"
"What are you saying?"
"I am leaving the country, with the love of my life, and I need a distraction, so I am informing the police of his recent activities. Once I do, he will die, for he know he would never survive in prison. And then he will need you, for you can comfort him, because you still love him, and I know with me gone he will remember his love for you."
"Are you asking me to kill myself, since we both know that once you die here, you are stuck."
"There is another option my dear, one that will make it so you never have to die, however we will have to fake your death, so he believes it."
"What is it?" You asked
"Become a vampire, live forever with your beloved, once he turns."
"Simple dear, I will turn you."
"And what do I owe you, if I do this?"
"You will owe me nothing, just be there for him."
"Yea Madam." You answered before she slit her wrist and dripped some of her blood into a glass.
"Once you drink this you will turn. Tell him you died to be with him, say you did it in the basement, for he will never go check. The only thing you must do is drink blood, never run out. For if you do, you will become weak. Never let him know."
You took the cup and brought it to your lips, before taking a sip.

Elizabeth later returned in tears, she saw you seated at the front desk, and approached you.
"Madam, I thought you would be long gone by now?"
"They never showed." She cried
"James and Hazel are dead. James killed them both, he is in your room right now, crying for you."
"He will never let me go, not now that we are both immortal."
"Elizabeth, I will give you this key to the pent house. We both know James will ask you to die for him, deny him. I will stick with the story. I still had some money saved so I have ordered a double to be made of me, it may take some time but..."
"No tell him I changed you for him, I never loved him and all three of us know it. You however have loved him unconditionally, he may never fully let me go but if I tell him I can not love a ghost and present you to him maybe he will leave me be."
"Oh course Madam." You smiled
"This I believe is yours as well." And then she handed you your engagement ring, the one James took from you the day he told you he was leaving you for Elizabeth."


"So you didn't make her to love you, you made her to love him?" Liz hissed
"Like I said I don't share, I never loved either of them,not like that, every one I have made I have had a physical attraction too, but with her, she has become my best friend, the one I can truly trust. She hangs on his arm, to keep his ass away from me for the other days he doesn't make me have a terrible meal with him. That is why it is different my love."

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