What if she ends up like Lori? (The final part of Daryl thinks you are cheating)

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Over all of these months ideas were running through his head, like what to call the little bundle of Kickass, how to dress them, or feed em, or where to have 'em sleep. He was so excited to finally be starting a family with you that the thought of you dying just never crossed his mind, until today when you woke him up in the middle of the night when you death gripped his arm in the now wet bed, it finally set in. He picked you right up and ran to Denise's, upon arriving he started to kick the door frantically, hoping she would wake up. He looked down at you as you buried your face into his shoulder, he could feel the tears hitting his flesh, as you pulled closer to him, as pain shot through your whole body.

"DENISE!" He shouted before she opened the door. when she saw him holding you she knew exactly what was wrong.

"There is a spare bed made to her, get her there and then wake up Michonne, tell her that her God daughter is coming." She instructed as she went racing back upstairs to sanitize her hands and wake Tara, she was going to need all the help she could get. When he set you down a yelp of pain exited your lips, your eyes squeezed shut as he ran a callused hand over your face.

"Go." She exhaled softly.

"I love you." He said before kissing your forehead

"I love you too." She whispered, before his lips met hers, he didn't want to leave her, and she didn't want him to.

He raced from the room, and soon found himself at the door you found yourself at when you first found out about your child, and the same person opened the door.

"It's time." he hissed before she could answer, Rick standing behind her as she pushed past him, sprinting to Denise's, and then he just fell to his knees. He didn't even notice that Rick had knelt in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. The basic human touch caused the tough redneck to look the sheriff in the eye, nothing but sympathy in his eyes.

"Wanna beer?" Rick whispered as Daryl just shock his head in response, the sheriff helping him up as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

When he found his way to the table, and the beer sat before him, the thoughts continued to burrow deeper in deeper, until he snapped, "What if she ends up like Lori?"

"And what if she doesn't? What if she ends up like Maggie and is up and walking at the end of this." Rick sat next to him, and watched as his hands met his forehead.

"You know when Maggie made it through, I couldn't help but feel like.... like maybe she would make it, for once maybe someone I love wouldn't die, but tonight, when I felt her grab my arm... I don't know, suddenly it felt like that hope was gone. What if she loses this fight."

"Well for starters lets just think about how much of a fighter the kid is, she has killed countless walkers, she survived as the attack all by herself till she found Eric. She ain't going down without a fight. And secondly after all you two have been through I doubt she would give up on her life with you, and I am sure if given the option she would have a family with ya all over again.You two have survived far more then most, you have seen each other injured, near death, hell you even have made each other smile. Hell she even took you back when you were convinced I was sleeping with her. She has been there for ya when you lost Merle and Beth and she even lost you, and didn't give up on findin' ya. You were there too when Andrea died, and when she thought you were died you came back and saved her from the invasion, so trust me she ain't goin' anywhere."

"I just don't think I can do this without her."

"Trust me you won't be alone in this, we are a family now, and we will raise her just like we did with Judith."

"Why do y'all think I am having a girl." Daryl smiled a bit as he took a swig of the slightly warm beer now, as Rick laughed.

"Well don't you think you are too?"

"Well yea, but y'all are copying me so..." his sentence was interrupted though by Michonne running into the room, her breathing heavy as she gasped, "Daryl..."

He didn't even listen to the words, he just left in a dash towards Denise's and crashed through the door to see Tara holding a swaddled bundle, her eyes turning towards the panicked redneck as she smiled.

"Guess I owe ya some of my candy stash now." Tara smiled as she referred to the small bet they placed on the gender of the next Dixon, Tara thought it would be a boy because the Dixon family seemed to only raise up boys, and he wanted a girl because he wanted to break the family curse of only having boys.

Tara walked closer to him and offered the bundle to him, which he gladly took as he looked at the rosy checks and random short strands of brown hair of the slightly chubby sleeping baby. He was already wrapped around her finger, but even the small bundle of joy couldn't distract him from the real question at hand, "What about [Y/N]?"

"She's fine, when she woke you up she was already ready to push, hence why she was in so much pain. The birth was pretty easy, and she is restin' right now, you can go see her though." As soon as she allowed him to enter he wasted no time racing to the room, and looking at you with your head slightly turned and your hair spread across the pillow. He sat on the side of the bed and if as though you sensed his presence because your eyes slowly fluttered open as the weight caused the bed to dip down.

"Hey, you gave me a scare there." He whispered as you smiled weakly

"And she gave me a scare, I thought she was going to rip me in half for a while."

"Well I'm glad both my girls are okay." He smiled at the baby in his arms as you confusingly said, "Daryl Dixon are you trying to have a chick flick moment with me?"

"Maybe I am." He leaned over and kissed your lips before whispering, "So you thought of a name yet?"

"Yea, I was thinking Beth Kickass Dixon." His eyes started to water slightly at the sound of her name, the name of the person who he cared so much for, and wanted to protect so badly, was going to be the name of the new little girl who was going to hold his heart.

"I don't think I could see her with any other name."

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