Djinn (Sam)

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"Good morning." He whispered into your hair as you both started to wake up.

"Good morning."

"So what should we do today?" 

"Don't you have a case to do?" You looked at him, confusion in your eyes.

"No, I took the day off at my firm so we could celebrate our anniversary, don't you remember?" He looked at you as if you were pulling his leg.

"Wait, today is our anniversary. I completely forgot." You replied hoping it wasn't obvious that you didn't even know you two were dating.

"Well I mean after being together for 5 years it's ok to forget." He smiled his killer smile at you, which you quickly returned.

You were dating Sam Winchester, you weren't sure how it happened since when you woke up this morning you were alone, and single, with just a silly little crush on the tall goofball. He said he was working at a firm too, which could only mean he really did become a lawyer, and you both weren't hunters.

"So do you want breakfast?" I asked as I tried to roll out of bed, but he grasped me tighter and made it so I couldn't get up.

"I know what I want for breakfast but it's not french toast."

"Ok, why not." And then your mildest fantasy came true.

"Well that was amazing." You gasped as he rolled over

"Well yea, it's always is." Sam smiled as he was trying to catch his breath.

"So now what do you want for breakfast?" you asked turning your head to meet his loving gaze.

"Eggs, and bacon works."

"Wait you want bacon?" I asked confused

"Yea, it is like the best food ever." 

"But you always say that it is the minor artery blocker?" 

"No I don't. Are you sure you feel ok?"

"Yea. I'm fine. I'll go make it." You rolled of bed and pulled your robe on before you heard him say it, "God I love you."

You blushed as you turned around to say, "I love you too."

You both sat at the table, the food you made now in your stomach. 

"So what do you wanna do 'till 5?"

"Why five?" He looked surprised by the question.

"Ummmm we are going to mom's remember?"

"oh yea." You answered, a red flag going off in your head. First you were in a long term relationship with your crush who you were always too scared to tell about them, and now his mother was alive?

"Yea, we are going to dinner remember, to celebrate our anniversary?" 

"Yea totally. It will be great to see Mary and John again." You smiled as he gave you a confused look

"You mean Frank right?" 


"Yea mom and dad got separated a while back after he was caught screwing some waitress."

"Oh, sorry I must have forgotten. Will Dean be there?"

"Ha you really think he will show up."

"Well he's your brother. Of course he will  show up to celebrate your happiness."

"Yea, probably hungover and nursing it with some more whiskey and a cheap piece of ass."

"What?" You were now really confused, since when did the boys hate each other.

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