Christmas Pie life

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"Daddy I wanna put the star on top!"
Your daughter, Jessica, yelled as she ran from the kitchen to the living room where Uncle Dean, Uncle Cas and Daddy were putting the finishing touches to the tree, as you made gingerbread cookies, and a pie for Dean with Jess.
"Well Jess you gotta ask Uncle Cas if he has found it yet." Sammy instructed as you leaned on the kitchen doorway, smiling at him when his eyes met yours. This wasn't the plan, at least not at first.

"Sammy, I'm pregnant." You whispered into his shoulder as tears fell from your eyes and were absorbed into the material.
He just sat there in silence, you of course fearing the worst, if you were any old couple, you would be completely ok with the fact that your boyfriend and long time friend got you knocked up, but you were dating a Winchester, and in the world of hunting that meant, you were target number one always, and this baby would always be number 2.
You sat there crying until Sam finally said, "well then, let's go find a chapel."
Your head shot up and you came face to face with a teary eyed Sam, "what?"
"Let's find a chapel, get married this week, a child deserves married folks, who love each other and will always be there even when it means the demons want you like there is no tomorrow."
"You mean it." You whispered
"[Y/N] will you marry me?"
"Of course." And then he kissed you, like he did everyday and how he will for many more.

"Uncle Cas, why are you covered in lights?" She asked as she looked at him with her big old brown eyes.
"Well sweetie..." Cas started as he struggled with the strands of Christmas light tangled around him.
"Uncle Cas wanted to know how the tree felt, so he wrapped himself in lights. Here wanna put this on the CASmas tree?" Dean asked handing her one of the pairs of booties from when she was born that you had sewn into personalized ornaments.

"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed as he placed the bloody mess onto your chest, cries fleeing from her throat as she was adjusting to the world out of Womb, you couldn't help but kiss her messy forehead, and rub her back as she cried, your ring glittering in the lights. Sam wasn't even there yet, he was on what Dean called an emergency hunting trip, leaving you 9 month pregnant, with only Cas, who fainted after the first push.
They took your baby away and left you laying there wondering, finally Cas walked in, "She is perfect."
"Well can I see her yet?" you sat up a bit, but the soreness of your muscles made it hard to even move fast.
"Not yet, someone else wanted to see her first." He smiled as a man in a leather coat and a pink bundle walked in, followed by a plaid giant.
"Dean, please tell me..."
"What I wanted to see the cutest niece in the whole wide world." He gave you his goofy smile as Sam took a seat next to you in the chair.
"Tell me at least Sam got to hold her?"
"Nope, my niece, I get first dibs."
"You know what else you get?" you smiled as he shot you a grin, figuring you would say babysitting, or changing duty, or bottle washer, "I'll steal your baby and hid her away forever, if you don't stop hogging Sammy's baby."
His face changed instantly as he handed the baby to Sam causing a smile to spread across your face. You giggled a bit too when he shot you to world famous Dean Winchester wink, but then your attention was quickly drawn towards the man in plaid, who looked like he was holding the most precious jewel in the palm of his hand. His eyes started to tear as he brought her tiny head to her forehead.
"I personally think she looks like me." Dean smiled causing you to once again laugh and reply, "Really, because I think she looks like Cas."
"Nope defiantly me." Dean smiled again, as Sam gave him the bitch face.

"Where will it fit uncle Dean?" She said as Cas stuck out one of his fingers
"I think there is a little branch for it right there just big enough to hold it." Sam pointed to the finger as she excitedly stuck the pink ribbon over it.
"There Uncle Cas now you are the perfect tree." She laughed as Sam pulled out the golden star, "Jess I have a job for you?"
"What Daddy?" She spun around and gasped as Sam held the sparkling star in his hands, "you found it Daddy!"
"And Guess who gets to put it right on top this year?"
"ME!" She bounded towards Sam and stopped just before hitting his legs.
"Now you have to be very careful with this honey, hold on to it really tight."
"Ok Daddy." She took the star and giggled as Sam scooped her up and held her high enough to place the star over the green pine needles.
"Mommy, is it Straight!" She yelled as you got closer to Sam.
"Honey I think that is the straighten it has ever been." You beamed as Sam placed her down and threw an arm over your shoulder.
"Uncle Dean let me help you get Cas out, Then we can decorate the rest of the house." She went running towards Dean who was currently trying his hardest to free Cas from Christmas Light prison.
"Thank you." You whispered as you placed a kiss on Sam's hand.
"For what?"
"For making all my dreams come true, for not bailing when I had Jessica, for being the best father and giving up the life to grantee she had a better life then yours."
"I have to thank you too, for making it so that we all had a way out, or for being the best wife." He kissed you, and you knew you were going to have this apple pie life forever.

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