Kiss me Winston

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Opie Winston was by far your best friend, and the fact that you possibly had feeling for the big bad biker teddy bear was terrifying. You two grew up together, both your fathers were first nine, but your daddy died a long time ago, when you were five, now you were 35, and watching as Opie casually rode in, followed by Tig, who was your stand in father. He was the one who threatened your first boyfriend, took picture with you at prom, treated you like one of his own daughters, he was your whole world and one night after getting you very very drunk found out that my heart was starting to lean towards Opie.

"I knew it, ever since you were little you have followed those boys around, and I knew one day it would lead to this. My money was on Jax though."
"You know somethin, imma tell him right now!" You slurred loudly as you pulled your crappy flip phone out, he snatched it though before you could even dial the area code.
"Easy there tigger, maybe you should tell him when you are in a less drunk state.

Unfortunately when you were in your less drunk state, AKA sober AF you lost the balls to do it and sadly were back at square one.
"Hey Baby girl!" Tig screamed towards you causing you to remember that you were standing by the outdoor wrestling rink, zoning out.
"Hey Tigger!" You smiled as his middle finger raised at you. Opie was not far behind, and instead of going inside like Tig, he went to you.
"Where's my hello?" He playfully asked, causing a smile to spread over both of your faces.
"Well hello Mr. Winston, I'm so glad you have returned unharmed." You faked a posh accent and watched as he shook his head and laughed.
"I mean I dodged a few bullets, figured the maid didn't want to clean up all my blood."
"Are you saying I'm your maid now Winston?"
"No just that you don't wanna clean up my blood."
"Hey lovebirds! Wanna cold one?!" Tig yelled from inside causing a blush to wash over your face, you hurried inside, without even looking at Opie's face, making it so that you failed to notice a similar blush on his face.

"I'm telling you [Y/N], you are a total light weight." Opie exclaimed as you finished your fifth beer, you were at the point of very, very drunk, as Opie continued to drink his fifth. He was still acting normal, while you looked like a trashed college student on a Saturday.
"I am not!" You slurred
"Count to ten." He demanded with a laugh.
"1,2,4,5,3,6,7,9,11,10!" You smiled all proud at yourself, as Opie chuckled.
"Sweetheart you skipped 8, mixed up two of 'em, and added eleven."
"You wanna know something?" You slurred
"What Miss Light weight?"
"I love you. Like love you, love you."
Your words hit him like a ton of bricks, and the only thing to come out was, "you love me?"
This wasn't the response drunk you imagined because after it you just covered your mouths and ran out to your car, and drove home before Opie could say, "I love you too"

The next thing you remember was waking up in a hospital bed, and Tara walking through your door.
"Don't tell..." You started to say but your words were cut off by her own.
"Jax knows, everyone in the club knows, [Y/N] you crashed into a pole, bent your car to holy hell, at 3 in the afternoon. You were so drunk you passed out, so yea tell me the club doesn't know, I'd be surprised if they even..."
"That's enough Tara." Tig hissed from the doorway, as he walked to your side. He reached his hand out and wiped the tears from your eyes, you didn't even know when you started crying.
"Tig she has to..."
"I said Enough!" He screamed causing her to turn on her heels and storm out, "I hate Doctor pussy man, too stuck up."
"Tig, what happened?"
"Well your car's in the shop, like she said, bent to holy hell. What were you think baby girl?"
"That I needed to get as far away from Ope as I could." You looked at your lap, remembering how after just five beers you were telling Opie that you loved him.
"Well he told me what you said, and he is tearing himself up over this, blames himself for letting you get away knowing you were plastered. How many did you have?"
"Five." You chuckled a bit, "five beers before 2 in the afternoon, people would think to do something like that you would need 20 shot while it's dark out."
"Well we keep tellin ya, you're a light weight, through and through."
"Has Ope been around?"
"Nah, he's just been staring at your car since it happened."
"Well how long they keepin me, and how bad the charges?"
"Unser said it would be a 300 dollar ticket and you would need an AA meeting completion thing, but he was going to excuse the AA, say ya did it, since it's your first time."
"How bad did ya threat him Tig?"
"Told him you weren't going to no AA, and if he forced ya, well then I would force him to do some pretty fucked up stuff."
"Plus they might overnight ya, but I told the front desk hottie I was here to check ya out, and she didn't stop me so, you are free."

"Oh baby." You walked up to the contorted hunk of metal that was once your car, the whole front end was wrecked, windows cracked, mirrors gone.
"Hm weird, I don't remember dents in the back end?" Tig piped up, running his hand over the dents in the trunk, where it looked like something fell on it.
"So is she fixable or..."
"Yea, Jax and Juice will have her run in in no time, in the meantime you can drive the one in back, keys are in Gem's office."
"Thanks Tig." You smiled and looked towards the clubhouse, before getting the feeling of going in.
When you walked in you were greeted by silence, not a soul was in but one. For on the bar sat an opened cold one, next to about two empty ones. He didn't look up, or even take a sip of the drink until you were standing behind the bar, looking right at him.
"Ope." You whispered causing him to jump a bit, his hazel eyes looking right at you now, the bottoms were red.
"What are ya doing here?" He whispered, trying his hardest not to whimper as he did.
"Well I came to see ya, show ya that I'm still here, although my car, might not be."
"Yea she came in with a pretty fucked up front. Good thing the back was, oh wait."
"Oh wait what?"
"Well after Tig left, I kinda had a fit of rage and emotions, and mighta taken a crowbar to the backend."
"I was just so mad at myself for sittin there like an idiot and not stopping ya. Unser called for us to get the car, so he took me with him and when I saw your car, I knew it was my fault. Even when Tara called to tell Tig you were at St. Thomas and were perfectly fine despite your car looking like hell, I was still blaming myself, I just felt numb."
"Numbness manifested to anger and boom, crowbar to the trunk." You smiled as he forced a chuckle.
"I just... I love you, and if I had lost you, I would have never forgave myself, hell I would have told Tog to beat me with the bar."
"Opie, it ain't your fault, it was mine for thinking that it was impossible for you to feel the same."
"Just promise me, that you won't let me give ya alcohol before 9 ever again?"
"I'll promise ya on one condition Winston." You smiled as you took a sip of his beer, before he snatched it away from ya.
"Which is?"
"Kiss me."
And he did that with ease.

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