Imagine being Cas's sister and Dating Dean while he has the mark. (10x22 based)

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"I Took down a monster because I had to, because that's what I do." Dean stared at you coldly as he placed his gun back into his pocket, you stood in front of a tall pile of book, between the dead bodies of two members of the Styne family, just staring at him. "And I will continue to do that until..."

"You become the monster, and then there will be no one to stop you."

"No you see because I know no one will let that happen."

"When you do turn though, because it is already changing you, everyone you know and love, including Sam will be dead, except for me and Cas. We will be the ones who have to watch you murder the world."

"So why don't you just leave." He hissed, his words cutting you like an angel blade

"Because Cas is your friend and I love you."

"Do you always keep secrets from the people you love?"

"What are you..."

"You really didn't think I would find out about your guy's little plan, that you burned the wrong book."

"That book is the only way we can stop this!"

"How do you know? You can't read it, and even if you could, who knows if you will find a spell that could get this shit off my arm, what will it cost? Because I can grantee you that it will not come cheap and it is going to magic you have to pay for in blood. So thanks Princess but I'm good."

"No you aren't, and I'm not accepting that as an answer. I will find a way..."

"I don't love you." His gaze went to the floor.

"I don't believe that either, and if there is even the slightest chance that I can save you, I'm not letting you leave this room."  

"And whose going to stop me?" He looked at me, his green eyes teasing me to swing or hit him, and he even knew I wouldn't.

"I will."

That's when he lunged, knocking you off your feet, his body over you as he punched you one hit after the other till your face was covered in blood. when he was finally done, he got up and started to leave, however you willed yourself up and softly pleaded, "Dean, Stop."

He stopped and turned around, anger filling his eyes as he started walking back towards you. You were more prepared this time as he punched you again in the face, he turned as though you had fallen over allowing you to grab him from behind, however then the back of his skull collided with your face, allowing your grip to loosen. He grabbed hold of your arm and twisted it behind you before leading you to the table, where he grabbed your hair and proceeded to slam your face into it several times before throwing you to the ground. You laid there for a second before you heard his footsteps going away from you. However just seconds later they were coming back towards you, you knew exactly why to. For when he flipped you over you saw the silver angel blade in his hand, ready to plunge it into you. He once again straddled you and placed a hand on the wood by your head. He looked into your eyes and with acceptance in your face and voice you got out an, "I love you Dean." 

His face softened only slightly and then he plunged the angel blade down.

"Tell our dicks of brothers to stay away from me, same goes for you. Because the next time this happens I will not miss." He said as he got up to walk away, leaving you with nothing but an angel blade in your lore book about Frankensteins.

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