Make a Wish

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You and Dean sat on the stairs of the local fitness center, you with your coffee and Dean reading the paper. You caught yourself stealing glances at him when he wasn't looking, you both starting conversation occasionally, until he closed the paper.

"You ok Singer?" He asked as you acted like you were watching the ocean crash against the shore.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?" You took another sip of the cheap coffee and saw his eyes boring into you.

"Well ya know just wanna make sure you are on your A game."

"And why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you know your dad and Sammy, they said you went a little over the edge, you know once I..."

"Dean, I promise I am A Okay." You smiled remembering how you acted when you thought the unknown love of your life went down to the deepest part of Hell.

"Please tell me you are just calling to see how your Pa is?" Bobby said on the other end of the phone as you sat in your car.

"I will be, after you tell me where the next case is?" You were sewing your leg up with the phone placed on the dash board.

"I have one for ya, but you a'int going to believe me."

"What is it Pops?"

"You should just come see for yourself."

"I swear Dad if this is an intervention again trying to say I'm working myself to death..."

"No. Just come home."

"I'm coming Pops."

When you pulled up to the house of Robert Singer, you saw the Impala '67 that use to make your heart leap into your throat, now it made it drop into your stomach, and want to cry.

"Alright Pops, I saw the Impala, I know you lied so lets just get this over with." You called as you closed the door behind you. When you turned around though a man you thought you would only see in death was standing there. The tears welling up as you stopped dead, he just stared and smiled.

"Hey." He let out in a raspy voice, and in that moment you let every hunters instinct go and went running towards your best friend, who caught you with open arms.

"I missed you too." He said burying his face in your hair.

"Are you sure? Because everyone I have talked to said after.... they said you worked yourself to death almost. A few times you almost got yourself..."

"I said I was fine Dean."

"Are you..."

"You don't want to talk about Hell, I don't want to talk about those 4 months." You hissed as Sam pulled up, "Now can we act like we weren't talking about this?"

"Yea Singer." He reopened the paper as you just started sipping your coffee.

As Sam came closer he called, "You two find anything?"

"Nope, just a cheap paper and some shitty coffee. Everything is clean" You smiled as you lifted a second cup towards Sam.

"Did you get anything from ummmm...." Dean started, shutting his eyes and snapping as he blanked on the name.

"Candace. Pretty sure no ghost pushed her over, it was probably all the crazy that pushed her down the stairs."

"Well that sucks, I was looking forward to this case." Dean whined as he folded up the paper.

"Yea because you could have saved naked woman." Sam chuckled as you all walked towards the Impala.

"Damn right I could have saved naked woman." He laughed as you walked by the dock, overhearing a dispute happening between a sheriff and a hunter, a real woods hunter.

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