Don't Tell Sammy (Sam)

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"Sam." You whispered in his ear, as he continued to snore away.

"Sam." You said slightly louder, he was still snoring away, which is exactly how you wanted the younger Winchester 

As you rolled out of the bed, and your feet hit the floor you felt the wave of nausea overtake you, your hands meeting the bowl as the content flowed out. When you finished you heard Sam say, "[Y/N] are you sure you are ok?", his hand finding your back and gently rubbing it as your forehead laid on the hand protecting you from the seat.

"Yea, like I said yesterday, it's probably food poisoning." You lied, for you were far from fine, at this point you were over the cliff of panic and drowning in a sea of not fine. For the words Cas said to you in private echoed in your head, over and over.

"You know [Y/N], you should really stop hunting." You two were in a cemetery, digging up the bones of the ghost that the boys were currently trying to kill. As you stood over them the angel decided to drop this bomb on you. 

"And why would I do that?" You let the flaming stick fall, creating a orangey-red wall to divide you, as you looked at his serious face through the flames you heard the words flow out.

"Well it would be the best for you and your son, I mean...."

"Woah woah woah Cas, wait..." He looked at you in that confused, innocent way that always made you laugh, however right now you weren't, "What son are you taking about because I don't have a kid and..."

"I'm talking about the one you are carrying inside of you." Cas smiled

"Cas, tell me you are playing an April Fools. If you are then you need to know you only do them April 1st." His look tells you that he is not joking, "Oh my God you are being serious." Panic set in

"You should be happy, I'm sure Sam will be overjoyed..." Your eyes grew large, what the hell would Sam say, you used protection to prevent this, and now.... even more panic set in.

"Sammy can't know! Cas you CAN NOT tell him! Promise me."

"But doesn't he deserve...."

"PROMISE ME!" You screamed

"Ok, I promise."

"Do you promise on the Impala?"

"Yes. But when will you tell him, when the little fella is born?"

"No. I'll figure it out." 

That was 5 weeks ago, and he was still in the dark. You didn't know how much longer you could keep this up for though, Cas determined that when he told you you were about 5 weeks pregnant anyway so now here you were 10 weeks with the smallest bump protruding from your stomach, and your ice cream dessert at 3 in the morning thanks to the little guy floating in the sewer system somewhere. 

"Should we go to the doctors? I mean..."

"NO!" you cut him off, your outburst earning a look of concern, "It will pass, I'll be fine." You faked a smile as you made your way back to bed after rinsing the disgusting after taste of stomach acid and mint chocolate chip ice cream out of your mouth. Sam cuddled up to you and you could feel the movement he made towards your stomach, to rub it like he did every time you had been sick, you knew he would feel the bump that little James Matthews Winchester was creating, and would question. Wait did you just name your son, oh gosh this was becoming to real.

"Hey Sam." You stopped him from touching you by grabbing his hand, "Didn't you say there was a case today, Demons you said?"

"Yea, there is a few an hour or so away, just tormenting people, figured we could go check it out."

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