At least it wasn't Dean

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"Hey daddy." You quickly said as you and the Winchester walked into the house of Bobby Singer. 

"Hey darling. Nice to see the boy kept you alive."

"Honestly Bobby, she keeps us alive most days." Sam said, as he smiled at you. 

"Well of course I didn't raise some princess." Bobby chuckled as you made your way to the kitchen, to retrieve several beers.

"She was amazing." Dean said as he took the beer from you. He smiled in thanks as Sam followed behind, his hand lingering a bit when he grabbed it, but quickly pulled away when he heard Bobby's boot against the ground. 

"Here Daddy." You handed him the beer and quickly pulled away from Sam.

For you both knew if Bobby found out you were dating you would be screwed, especially if he found out just how serious you both were, and what you had already done with each other. 

"So princess you going to make dinner tonight or should I order out?" Bobby answered 

"Oh Daddy don't worry I'll fix us up something, how about burgers and fries and rabbit food for Sammy?" 

"Sounds great." Dean answered as he grabbed another beer.

"Well then everyone out. I'll call when dinner is done." You replied as they all filed out, Sam going last so that he could turn and smile at you without Bobby seeing.

"Looks great [Y/N]." Dean said as he sat next to you, Sam seated on the other side sod you and Bobby across. As you all dug in your father looked up to see Dean yawning,

"what's the matter boy, not get enough sleep last night?"

"Nope I didn't." He answered

"Why not I thought you got done with it early last night plus it was an easy salt and burn."

"Yea well it is hard to sleep when the walls are paper thin and these two over here decide to fuck until an ungodly time in the morning." He then realized what he said, but it was too late, for Bobby already heard.

"What did you just say my baby girl and Sam were doing?" 

"Ummmm well dad what Dean meant to say was..."

"No [Y/N]! Dean what did you just say?" Anger was building in his face, for you knew there was one rule in your house which applied to both you and the boys. Singers don't date or have sex with Winchesters and Winchesters don't date or have sex with Singers. And here you were breaking that rule.

"Well sir I said that Sam and [y/n] were just.... Ummmmm...... Having sex all night."

"That's what I thought, now is there something you two idjits want to tell me?" He looked at you and Sam now, fear filling your thoughts, waiting for the bomb known as Bobby Singer to go off. 

"Well Daddy Sam and I have been dating for about 6 months now."

"You are WHAT!" Here comes the boom

"Yea Bobby we are dating and I love her."


"If I did, would you have said yes?" Sam asked

"I need some air." He stormed out the door into the junk yard.

"Nice going Dean." You hissed

"Well maybe if you two were quieter I would have been awake enough to realized what I was saying."

"Well what are we going to do now?" Sam asked

"We sit and wait and pray that he doesn't come back with a shot gun." You replied

About 5 hours later he found his way back inside, and made his way to the fridge, not noticing that you had made a pie. When he turned he looked up to the ceiling and whispered, "ok sweetie, I know she is smart but I don't want her to be hurt."

He looked at the table and only saw your pie, but he was looking for you, and the Winchester boys. You all weren't in the living room, library, or any other room downstairs, or the basement. So he made his way upstairs opening the door to the guest bedroom, finding Dean passed out on the bed, a chuckle erupting Bobby's mouth. The next door was were Sam usually sleep, but the door revealed an empty bed. He turned around and looked at your door, your name hanging on a sign Bobby nailed there. His band graced over it and after standing there and staring at it for a while his hand found its way to the handle. He cracked the door open slowly to reveal Sam cuddling you under your blanket. He smiled seeing the scene and then the thought graced his mind as he shut the door, At least it wasn't Dean.

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