Oh Death

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 "I Warned you." His voice was cold as you sat on your bed, reading the Handbook for the Recently Deceased.

"What do you want Crowley, can't you see I am reading the inaccuracies of man?"

"I warned you, I told you this would one day happen, and that you needed to find a way out."

"Well see that is not as easy as you think." You shut the book and looked him stone cold in the eyes, "After your little warning I tried, the only way to avoid the fate of a horseman is to die, and that isn't an option when your father is Death, and he kept sparing me over another year."

"Do you even know what has happened?"

  "I'm assuming my father is died, since this appeared magically on my finger." You flashed him the ring of your father, which was now mandated to rest on your left hand. 

 "Well now what is your plan, O Death?"

"When I was young, I was told I was destine to be the next death, and my rein would come When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, and that I'll open the door to heaven or hell. From this point on Nothing satisfies me except the souls of man, not even wealth, nor ruin, nor silver, nor gold."

"And what does that mean?"

"Simple it means My name is Death and the end is here."

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