Can I call you mom?

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You stood at the sink, washing the dishes for the dinner you had just made the boys when the little voice of Sam piped up, " Hey mom, can you help me with my homework?"
You stopped moving, stopped breathing... It was silent, until Dean said, "Sammy she isn't mom."
"Well she acts like a mom, I mean she takes care of us, she makes us dinner, packs our lunches, buys us pie, makes us laugh, takes care of us when we are sick, helps us with our homework, holds us when we have...."
"SHE'S NOT MOM!" Dean screamedt before storming to the room he and Sam shared, slamming the door.

You finally turned around and made your way towards the six year old boy who had just called you mom.
"So which problem do you..."
"Why did he get mad that I called you Mom?"
"Well Sammy, because as much as I love you and your brother I will never be your mom. Your mom is in heaven remember?"
"Well why can't I call you mom?"
"I think it makes your brother sad, because he misses your mom."
"Would it make Dad sad too if he heard me call you mom?"
"I think it would, they both loved your mom very much and miss her a lot."
"Oh ok." He seemed to get sad all of a sudden.
"Hey how about you take a break from the homework and go get some pie from the gas station next door?"
"Yea! Can Dean come?"
"Well if he wants."
The little boy jumped up and went running towards the door, knocking loudly, "Hey Dean wanna go get pie from the gas station?"
"Go away Sammy." You faintly heard, it was clear he was crying.
"Are you sure Dean, you love pie?" Sam said.
"I said Go away!" Dean screamed.
"Come on Sammy, Dean we'll be back soon!"you called before taking the boy's hand and walking to the store.

When you returned you cut two slices of pie for both boys, on Sam's you placed one scoop of ice cream, on Dean's you placed two, just like Dean liked. You placed a plate in front of Sam, who dug in while you walked over to still closed door.
Knocking you called, "Hey Dean, I brought you some pie."
"I don't want any."
"It's Apple, and I gave you two scoops." After a few seconds you heard him ask, "can I eat it in here?"
"Of course you can Dean. Can I come in?"
"Yea." You opened the door to see a red eyes Dean, trying to cover up the fact that he was crying.
"Here ya go buddy." You handed him the plate, which he gladly took.
"I'm sorry for snapping at Sammy earlier." Dean hung his head, as you kneeled back down next to him.
"Dean it's ok, I get why ya did. I just want to tell ya, that I will never replace your mom, I don't want to. I love you though along with your dad and brother. I just want you to be happy."
"I like having you around, you remind me of mom, and I love you too."
"Do you wanna come watch Christmas movies with me and Sammy?"
"I would like that." He smiled as you ruffled his dirty blonde hair.
"Hey [Y/N]?" He asked as you started to walk away
"Yea Dean?" You asked turning at the door frame.
"Is it ok... If I call you mom?" He asked in a whisper.
"Yea Dean, it's ok if you call me mom."
"Thanks... Mom." He whispered as you left.

You sat on the couch, Sam and Dean both curled up next to you, soundly sleeping. You were running your hands through the hair of the two boys when you heard the lock of the door unlocking, when you turned you saw the one and only John Winchester standing in the doorway.
"Hey." You whispered as he shut the boy and came up behind you, leaning over the couch to place a kiss on your cheek.
"Hey." He whispered in his gruff voice
"How was the case?"
"Easy, was just a salt and burn. How were the kids."
"They were angels. We left you some pie, if you want some."
"Well all I want is you right now, I've missed having you next to me at night."
"Well first let's get these two to bed, I'll carry Sam if you can get Dean?"
John leaned down and scooped up Dean as you scooped up Sam, who nestled into your shoulder. You both carried them into the room and as you laid Sammy into his bed and started to pull the cover up you heard him mutter in his sleep, "Goodnight Mom."
"Good night Sammy." You whispered back placing a kiss on his temple before you and John snuck out of the room.
"Now, how about you and me go enjoy the alone time?" He asked as he snaked his arms around your waist.
"That's all I want baby." You smiled as you tippy toed and placed your lips over his as he deepened it.

Afterwards you laid on top of John's bare chest, slowly falling asleep to the rising and falling of his chest, and his steady heart beat. You were awoken though by the sound of his voice as he took your hand in yours, "So you are mom now?"
"Yea Sam called me it earlier when I was washing dishes, Dean was a little upset by it."
"What did you say to him?"
"I told him I had no intentions on replacing Mary, and that I loved him very much. He also has called me mom a few times tonight."
"Well do you mind being called mom?"
"John." You pushed up on his chest, "I love your boys, they mean the world to me. If they want to call me mom, I'm ok with it, because I love all three of you."
"Well what if tomorrow I go buy you the nicest ring I can afford, and I make you [Y/N] Winchester?"
"Are you trying to ask me to marry you?"
"No, I am asking if I can legally make you the kids step mother, and legally make you my wife, instead of my nanny girlfriend?"
"Winchester, I'm ok with it." You said, placing your head back down on John's chest and laying there in silence before falling asleep for the last time as [Y/F/N][Y/L/N].

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