Nicknames (Cas)

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"Greetings [Y/N] I'm Castiel and I am an angel of the Lord."

Those were the first words he ever said to you. 

You looked into his blue eyes and extended your hand to met his, "I have heard a lot about you Castiel." The boys never mentioned though how beautiful his eyes were though, or how handsome he really was, they did however mention how innocent he could act at times which was defiantly not exaggerated.

"Well the boys never shut up about you either, I believe Dean refers to you as the bombshell, which makes zero sense since you look nothing like a bomb, or a sea shell." He said, as Dean blushed.

"Cas, really." Dean spit out as you giggled

"Well if it make you feel better Castiel I call him Stallion, but he's not a horse." I let go of his hand as Sam laughed along with me, Dean was my best friend in the world so the fact that we had flirty nicknames didn't surprise Sammy Boy.  

"Then why call each other that?" Cas tilted his head in a confused fashion

"Well it's just what humans do, they call each other nicknames, just like I call you Cas all the time instead of Castiel." Dean explain, probably for the hundredth time.

"Oh ok, then may I also call her Bombshell?" 

"No Cas, only I get to." Dean answered, looking all proud that he is the only one allowed to use your nickname Bombshell.

"So then what does Sam call her?" He once again asked confused

"Well I call him Sammy Boy and he calls me..." I started before a very excited Sam answered

 "Hotel California." He laughed a bit

"I don't understand that reference, or how it is funny?" 

"It's an Eagle song Cas, it is a kinda funny story how she came to be known Hotel California." Sam shoot you a glance as you started to turn a bit red, "See was dating this guy and invited him over to do..."

"Ok Sammy Boy shut it!" I shouted 

"Well lets just say we never saw that boy again." Dean started laughing too

"Yea because you two scared him off." I started to chuckle a bit now thinking of his face when Sam and Dean walked in on you two just about to start doing it. He turned so red and then Dean just had to go, "What are you doing touching our baby sister!"

"Well then what will I call her?" Cas asked

"Well you can come up with your own nickname, but I think I will call you...Angel Eyes."

"Ok and I shall call you... I'm not sure."

"It's ok Angel Eyes, take your time."

Now when you told him to take his time you didn't think that would mean a year and a half. But one day your phone started to buzz and you smiled with glee, hoping it was your Angel Eyes... well technically not yours since you were too scared to tell him that you had feelings. I looked at the caller ID and saw the Words Angel Eyes <3


"Hello [Y/N] I must ask you to please meet me at seven in front of the bunker."

"Ok, why?"

"You'll see, just wear something nice Bombshell." You heard Dean say in the background.

"Ok Stallion, see you at seven Angel Eyes." I smiled as I hung up and looked at the clock, 5:00pm. I quickly jumped in the shower and towel dried my [Y/H/C] haired before throwing on some red lipstick and mascara. As I slipped into my Batman tank top, Green Flannel and dark wash jeans, with my batman converse I glanced at the clock, 6:30pm. I pulled my phone out and quickly dialed the contact known as Stallion.

"Hello Bombshell."

"Am I dressed too causal?" I asked 

"Well do you want me to come see what you are wearing?"

"Please, bring Sammy Boy too."

Within seconds I heard the knock at the door, "Come in."

"Too Causal." they both said before even stepping in

"Well what do you recommend then?"

"Remember the case where you and me had to act like a couple and you wore that cute little black dress?" Dean asked

"Yea, the one where we were tracking down some vampires and then I got blood on it but you bought me a new one. If I remember correctly too that is when you started calling me Bombshell."

"Wear that one." Sam said, "Keep the shoes though."

 By the time you were redressed it was 6:45pm and I was heading towards the front door. You waved a quick goodbye to the boys and laughed as you heard Sam say loudly, "How did we get such a hot best friend?"

It was a bit chilly outside, and since you were 15 minutes early you decided to sit on the hood of the Impala, leaning back on the windshield and looking up at the clouds that were scattered across the sky.

"You know the clouds are said to be the earthly view of heavens." 

"Well are they?"

"Well no but..." 

"So where are we going tonight?"

"I think I just want to stay here, look at the sky with you."

You both watched the sky slowly turn black and the first star appeared before Castiel said another word, "So I think I have thought of a nickname for you."

"Well it took you long enough." Turning my head so I could look into his blue eyes, which were staring right back at mine.


"Ummm are you sure about that I mean that is normally what you would call the girl of your dreams?"

"Well if Dean is correct about the feelings I feel around you then the name is appropriate."

"And what do you feel?"

"Like I want to listen to you talk forever, I get a floating, giddy feeling whenever you are around, I want to protect you no matter what, I have been tempted to kiss you several times, when we hug I don't want to let go, I like it when you sleep, or when we just talk about nothing for hours, and..." He was cut short by your kiss, which he quickly leaned into.

As you pulled away you whispered, "I love you too Angel Eyes."

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