You are what!!!! (Pt. 2)

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"Because he is seeing me." You whispered
Her normally happy, sparkling eyes filled with rage, for her face showed the signs of shock and betrayal and you waited for the explosion. However within seconds the door flew open and she was storming down the hall, screaming for Dean, who was still seated at the bar with Sam.

"Jo what are you..." He turned and looked at her face, she looked like she could bust into tears at any moment.

"So you have been here for God knows how many hours and you didn't have the nerve to tell me you were banging my best friend?"

"Well we have done more then that." Dean smiled, remembering how you had said the same thing just earlier that day.

"I don't care, that is something you tell people."

"Jo we were, but [Y/N] panicked, and I can see why."

"Really?" Why would she panic?" Jo seemed confused, you stayed seated in the room, for you didn't want to see her freaking out, or deal with the fact that you just lost your best friend. So you sat and waited for the worst, as she was looking at Dean.

"Jo, I get that you have a crush on me, and I know you know I love you but it will never be more then a sisterly love. Also I appreciate the crush but you have to know that I will only see one girl like that, and I am lucky enough to call her mine, and you should view yourself as lucky to have her as a best friend. I mean it took me a month to just convince her to go on a date with me."


"Yea and she has allows been scared of what you would think, before we came here she was convinced you were going to hate her, which is probably why she panicked. She tells me about your adventures all the time and how much she wishes you were her real sister. She loves you Jo and losing you or me or Sammy would crush her."

"I have to go." She hurried back to her room to find you still seated on the floor, just staring.

"Do you love him?" She whispered

"Yes." You whispered as you lifted your head, the tears trailing unknown down your face.

"Well I can tell he loves you and I guess if you two are happy I will support it."

You smiled, "so you don't hate me?"

"I could never hate you, you are my best friend, the person I know will help me whenever I need it, drop everything just to make sure I am ok. You are the one I can trust to keep my secrets safe and to keep this crazy, screwed up thing called life alive, I will always stand by you, even if it means that I have to stop flirting with Dean Winchester."

"Thanks Jo." You smiled at her again before getting up and wrapping her in an embrace.

"Now how about you go to bed with Dean?" She asked as you pulled away.

"Are you sure, I mean it is just..."

"Just go." She shooed you off as you smiled and texted him back again

You: Guess you don't have to sleep alone tonight.

"Now you sure you don't want anymore of the meat loaf?" Ellen asked

"Ellen I promise we got enough." Sam replied as you and Dean threw all the bags in the back along with the box of food Ellen made ya. You smiled as you finished and took a moment to lean against Baby, your hand where it had been all weekend.

"Now come here and hug me." Ellen instructed as she outstretched her arms to embrace Sam, Dean and you. Jo stood against a post and watched as her mother released you before taking a step closer.

"I love you, you guys need to come around more often." She wrapped you in a hug.

"I love you too Jo." You replied before she quickly moved to Sammy, "and you need to stop growing!"

"Well I can't help the growing part but I can say that I think we will be visiting more."

"Good,  and you..." She pointed at Dean, who throw his hands up in innocence, " you hurt my best friend and I will make sure you can never reproduce."

"Never dream of it." Dean chuckled before he embraced her.

"Good. Now go make me an aunt." She joked

"Maybe one day we will but for now I like just being more then friends." He smiled.

As you all loaded into the impala and drove away, the waving figures of Jo and Ellen growing smaller Dean squeezed your thigh, "that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Nope." You smiled, "not bad at all."

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