Mommy Cas Exploded!

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"Dean I literally have called you a million times, you better hope that the vampire killed you because if he didn't I will! Will you please just call me back, it's thanksgiving and you were suppose to be home by now, I miss you, and so does Mary. I love you and tell Sammy I have a salad waiting for him.Mary you wanna say bye to Daddy?"
"Yea!" She said excitedly as you handed the phone to her, "Daddy, today is the day we eat until we pass out Mommy said, Mommy even made a pie! Come home super quick! Love you!"
Her little hand held the phone back to you, you accepted it gladly and before hanging up said a final, "Happy Thanksgiving boys."
You hung up the burner and dropped it in your purse as you went rummaging for your keys to the front door. For the end of November it was fairly nice, the leaves were still falling and the sun was still shining, perfect sweater weather, and the best play time weather for your three year old Mary, who dragged you into retirement far before you were ready. the only things missing right now were the two men in your life and the Angel.

The house was dark when you entered, just like you left it. Mary released your hand and went racing towards her room, however something caught her eye and she stopped. You watched as the little girl went running into the war room, screaming, "Daddy!"
You smiled to yourself as you heard the voice of your boyfriend, "hey baby doll, how are you?"
"I'm good, Daddy what are you doing?"
"Well sweetie I was hoping to surprise mommy but I think you might have blown my cover."
"No no Daddy I'm sure mommy didn't notice, I'll go check for you."
You could hear her feet hitting the floor as she raced to the hall and looked at you, just a second after you pretended to be looking for something in your purse, "Mommy?"
"Yes Sweetheart?"
"Do you know when Daddy will be home?"
"Well sweetie hopefully in time for the pecan pie."
"Ok." And then she ran back to the room and exclaimed, "it's ok Daddy, she has no idea!"
"Well do you wanna go get her for me?"
And then I heard the little feet again, "Mommy come quick."
You looked at her, her eyes filled with excitement "Why?"
"Ummmm Uncle Sam got a puppy."
"Wait is Uncle Sam and your dad home?"
"Yea, I mean no, they ummmmm went to the doctors."
"Oh really why?"
"Ummm well you see Daddy was trying to surprise you with food but see Uncle Cas ate it all up and he got so big that he exploded into a pile of glitter and sparkles so they had to take him to the doctor to put him back together."
"Oh well we better make sure they didn't forget a part of him, did he explode in that room?" You pointed to the war room doorway as she looked in the room, making sure he was still there probably.
"Yea, hurry hurry before the burgers get cold."
When you got to the little girl though she stuck her hands out, "hold on Mommy. Can I let her in Daddy?"
"Yes honey." Dean chuckled as the little girl batted her green eyes at you. "Mommy come see." She reached up and took your hand, pulling you into the room where the table was set for three, the plates containing the unmistakable diner Burgers and fries you missed so much and each plate even had a chocolate milkshake at them.

Your attention though wasn't on the food but the dirty, leather wearing hunter before you, whose smile lit up the room. By the look you both have each other you both knew the surprise was a miss however that didn't stop you from jumping into Dean's arms.
"Baby I'm going to get you all dirty." Dean whispered to you
"I don't care, I missed you." You gripped him tighter.
"Mommy look, Daddy got food!"
You turned to her, "And if you finish all your dinner, you can have some pie."
She screeched in glee and then you took Dean's hand and went to the table, where you all partook in a Winchester traditional thanksgiving.

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