Lets try something new for this book....

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You sat at your desk, the empty cup sat on your desk as you proofread your brother's drafts for the company as a knock echoed from the door.
"May I come in?" The familiar voice called from behind the closed door.
"Of course you may, it is a study not a changing room." Your eyes never left the page as you heard the door squeak open and shut.
"I have made your favorite today my dear..."
"Green tea with a splash of fresh honey and a lemon wedge." You finished his sentence and missed him grin to himself.
"I also took the liberty of snatching you a fresh cookie as well today, my dear."You finally looked up to see him holding the small round treat, a smile pulled at your lips as your fingers lightly brushed his hand.
"Sebastian how many times must I tell you, call me [Y/N]."
"Well my dear, clearly you must ask once more, along with the young master."
"Oh please I am far older then him, it is bad enough that I must love you in secret because..."
"The young master may find our romantic relationship as a hindrance to the job at hand, besides a lady such as yourself..."
"A lady such as yourself can do far better then a demon butler." You huffed annoyed as you collected the papers,
"I am going to give these back now, just leave the tea here."
"Of course." He said as you walked towards the door, as it shut he whispered softly to himself, "[Y/N]."

"Sebastian!" Ciel called from the parlor where he sat, his eyes transfixed on a chess piece as he played against you.
"Yes young master?" He hurried to his side as you moved your piece.
"When this game is done I require a bath."
"Really my lord, don't you think..."
"Don't be silly Sebas-chan, it is never too late for a bath." You mock Grell as you smiled, "I am tired anyway so I believe I will retreat for the night. Good night sweet brother."
You gently placed a kiss on his head before walking towards your room, your hand quickly grabbing Sebastian's as he watched you go.
"I will draw the bath my lord." He said, turning back his attention back to Ciel, who was watching him as he gandered after you. Ciel just took a breathe as he watched Sebastian leave, knowing that he could not live under this situation any longer.

"I will return with your files soon my lord."
"Sebastian... Tell me your thoughts on Miss Phantomhive?" Ciel asked as Sebastian started to turn.
"Miss Phantomhive is quite an interesting character, for she is far superior to any other female in her position and should have been born with a..."
"Do you think I am blind to your interactions Sebastian?" Ciel closed his eyes as he leaned against the back of the tub.
"My lord, I have never thought such a thing."
"I am not a fool, I am aware to the feelings you both share. However I am aware of her position in England and to the queen..."
"I understand my lord." Sebastian dropped his head slightly.
"I also know that you are aware of how important she is to me, and I trust no man more to protect her." His head raised slowly as he took in his master.
"Do not toy with her heart, and don't let any harm come to her, lest you desire to be dragged into my hell."
"Yes... My lord." He answered as Ciel lifted his hand and made a waving motion.
"Now go to her, I am sure I can bathe myself." These words caused him to turn on his heels and walk calmly to the room of the eldest Phantomhive, his hand raised to knock, however before he could you called, "come in."

"Sebastian, I thought you were to be bathing Ciel now?" You asked as he walked in, and started towards your bed. He sat on your sheets and placed his gloved hand upon your own.
"The young master is aware of our romantic relationship." Sebastian started, causing your eyes to widen.
"He simply can not fire you, you both are in a binding contract and..."
"He has given me the proper permission to court you. He has made it very clear as well that if I break your heart I am to be doomed."
"Oh." You said, looking at the floor, your head facing away from him
"Are you not happy my dear?" He asked, taking his free hand and turning your head towards him.
"I am, I just fear when this is over, when you may return to..."
"I will still love you, and stand by your side. Even after the deed is accomplished."
"Well.. Then how will Grell feel?"
"He will understand."He whispered as he leaned forward and kissed you, making it so that you never wanted to kiss another soul.

A/N: So I recently started falling into the dark pit known as Black Butler and I figured I would write this just for the heck of it... I hope you liked it 🙂

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