imagine your older brother disapproving of your new boyfriend

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"Honestly Ozzy I don't see your issue with this." You called from the bathroom where you were applying the last of your makeup, while your brother leaned against the wall looking at the closed door.

"How do you not see the problem?" He called as you rolled your eyes.

"It isn't like he is a killer, he is a decent man. I mean he saved your life."

"He is also an officer..."

"Of the most crocked police force in the state, trust me Ozzy, I will be fine." You opened the door to reveal the burgundy dress you wore with your black heels, your hair was loosely curled and your makeup was quite natural except for your bright red lips, "now how do I look?"

"Far too good for Jim." Oswald hissed as you stepped forward and placed a hand on his chest.

"Ozzy, I will be fine, what is he going to do arrest me?" You started walking away from him and towards your purse, however Oswald was not done.

"He just might, I mean we all know he has it out for me so what is to stop him from going after you?" With this you slammed your purse down in annoyance and spun around, Oswald saw the rage filling your eyes as you glared at him.

"Because I haven't done shit Oswald Cobblepot and you know it. Now for once can you act happy for the fact that I have found a man that I like and is willing to take me on a date despite the fact that my mother is a raving loon and my brother is a fucking werido who dreams of one day being the future crime lord of Gotham City after he kills everyone who has and is still standing in his way!" You screamed causing Oswald's face to drop.

"[Y/N], I..."

"I'm leaving, I am already going to be late." You huffed, grabbing your purse and leaving your brother standing there confused, for you had never raised your voice at him before.

"I had fun." You told Jim as you stood outside the door of the apartment you and your brother shared.

"I honestly don't know why I didn't ask you sooner." Jim whispered taking a step forward, as you looked up into his eyes.

"Probably because my brother is the biggest rat in Gotham?" You smiled

"Well I mean your connection to the crime scene of Gotham might have played a part."

"So will I see you tomorrow?" You whispered as you wrapped your arms around his chest, as he encased your own frame in his own arms.

"Well I would hope my favorite sandwich maker would be bringing the forces sandwiches tomorrow to the office."

"Ok, well see you tomorrow then." You pulled away and were surprised to find his lips on yours, the butterflies went crazy inside you as his hand tangled into your hair.

"See you then." He whispered against your lips after he ended the kiss.

You slowly opened the door and closed it, leaning your whole body against it as you looked towards the ceiling. After a few moments you looked forward to see that the only light on was in the small kitchen space you had, as you walked forward you saw that there was a tray of cookies on the counter with a note from Oswald,

Dear [y/n],

I am so sorry for being a jerk, if officer Gordon makes you happy then I can ask for nothing more. As your older brother it is my job to act protective but it is my greatest wish to see you happy. I will be spending the night at the club and will not be returning until the late afternoon tomorrow. I have made your favorite to apologize and I hope tomorrow you are no longer cross at me. Sincerely,


As you bit into one of the cookies you found yourself smiling like an idiot, realizing that you truly had a wonderful life...... For now.

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