Before and After

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"So how did your date go last night?" Rick asked as we sat in the patrol car, he had just gotten done telling me about his morning with Lori, and he clearly wanted to change the subject.

"Well I mean it was like any other date we go on, I took her to the diner, She ordered the chicken sandwich, I ordered a burger, we got shakes, I asked her to marry me, then we got pie after she said yes, we went home, we had sex and then went to sleep." I looked to my left and saw the shocked look on Rick's face. 

"Wait... Did I just hear you say that you asked [Y/N] to marry you?"


"I don't think I ever expected those words to ever leave your mouth."

"Yea, well i figured I would do it before she went to her mother's for a few weeks ."

"Well congrats man." He clapped my shoulder as the call came in, sending us speeding toward a chase that needed backup.


I slowly pulled away from the kiss and looked into her loving eyes as she laid on the forest floor. She was truly stunning, and I just wanted her.

"We should tell Carl." I whispered as I turned towards her and placed a hand on her stomach.

"Shane, we can't not until we are sure that our past loves are really dead."Lori said turning towards me.

"Well it has been months by now."

"Tell me something Shane, how would you feel if you publicly announced we were romantically together and then one day [Y/N] came strolling into camp, or Rick?"

"Well I would tell Rick that I am the man you truly deserve, and that he needs to accept that I am in love with you and not going anywhere."

"Well what about [Y/N]?"

"I'd tell her the same thing."

"Do you remember how this whole thing started, how you first kissed me?"

"well I..."

"You were crying because you missed her, you were going on about how much you loved her and how you wished you knew where she was, about how you wanted her so badly. I hugged you and when you pulled away you kissed me and told me i smelled like her. How often when we are doing it do you grunt her name, because I can tell you, you do it at least three times every time we have sex. So the question Shane is do you really love me?"

"Of course I do." I lied, the truth was I was still in love with [Y/N] and if it were that she walked into camp I would end it and I would never tell her about what transpired here.

"No you don't Shane." She got up, pulled her jeans back on, grabbed her wedding ring and started back towards camp, Leaving me to look at the blue sky.

When I got back to camp, there was a loud commotion happening in the camp, the group must have returned from the run. 

"What is with all the commot..." My words were cut short at the sight of Rick hugging Lori and Carl. I was in shock, I made sure that door was shut, there was no way he could have escaped on his own, and then I heard it.


I turned and there she was, she looked just like always, I could feel my heart stop and my eyes found their way to her ring finger, where the diamond still sat.

"[Y/n]." I whispered right before she ran and jumped into my arms, tears streaming down her face as she buried her head into my shoulder and I buried my own into her hair.

Later at the fire we heard the story, Lori was leaning into Rick with Carl sitting on his lap as [y/n] sat on mine with her arms thrown around my neck. 

"Well when I drove back to town the first place I went was home, but you were gone, I checked Rick's house too but everyone was gone. So I went to check the hospital since we always had supplies and such there, plus I wanted to see if Rick was maybe still in the hospital. When I got there I found Rick, behind a barricaded door so I just moved the bed and held out in there until he woke up."

"After that the two of us just went out and checked Rick's house again, he changed and then we met Morgan and his son, Duane. We held up with them for awhile before we left to find the Atlanta safe haven which was long gone. Glenn found us when we were both stuck in a tank, and now here we are." Rick said as he petted Carl's hair.

"It's amazing that you both survived." Lori said, looking at me.

"Yea well we weren't sure how many were left after the whole take over. I'm glad we all survived though." [Y/N] nestling into me, as I looked at Lori, knowing everything had now changed.

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