Imagine your father threatening Penguin

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"Penguin!" Your father exclaimed loudly as he walked into the bar, which was about near dead.

You of course were manning the under stocked bar, while Oswald sat on a stool conversing with you. The sound of Don Maroni's voice brought you both out of your deep conversation about you finally meeting Mrs. Cobblepot and towards the large man who was now taking a seat at your station.

"Don Maroni." Oswald gulped fearing he heard part of your conversation, and that he was about to lose his head for the relationship the two of you shared.

"I see business hasn't changed." Your father smirked as his tapped the bar, you knew what that meant, and you went running towards the bottle of Italian Red you kept stored specifically for your father.

When the bottle was safely in your hand you began to pour a glass as your ear tuned in to the whispers behind you. "Word on the street is you have been seen with a pretty young thing on your arm?"

"Don Maroni, I can assure you that I don't intend on losing focus because of my girlfriend...."

"Don't you mean my daughter?" He hissed as you placed the bottle down and turned around, glass in hand and placed it in front of your father, whose eyes never left Oswald as he brought the rim to his lips.


"Are you or are you not seeing this man my dear?" His eyes turned towards you, the look in his eyes screamed at you to be truthful or Oswald gets it... Because he already knew the truth.

"We have been exclusive for about a month now, we were trying to figure out the right way to inform you."

"So," he let out a small laugh, "My princess and the penguin... how sweet."

And with that he grabbed Oswald by the hair and smashed his face into the bar a few times, when he let go you could see the black eye beginning to form around his eye, and the cut in his lip. "If you so much as think about hurting my little girl, I will make you wish you were died." He hissed before standing up and walking around the bar, extending his arms for a hug.

"You have made a bad choice dating a rat." Your father whispered in your ear, low enough so Oswald would never hear

"But it was my choice to fall in love with the rat Daddy, and I like my choice."

With your words your father pulled away, placing a hand on either side of your face and kissing your forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too Daddy." You smiled back as he started towards the exit, his security detail closely behind as the door slammed shut. You reached for the ice bucket and filled a small towel full, before bringing it to Oswald's eye.

"Oh Ozzy." You whispered as he placed his hand over yours.

"I promise you my love, one day I will be king of this place. And your rotten father will be out."

"I know Ozzy, I know."

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