It's me....

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"And how exactly am I suppose to tell my best friend that I am banging the guy she has had a crush on." You snapped
"Now [Y/N], I think for the last three month we have been doing more then banging." Dean gave you his killer smile, trying to calm you down with his charm, which clearly wasn't working.
"Well to her it will be the ultimate betrayal no matter what I say." You sighed, realizing that you might just lose your best friend in a few hours.
Dean grabbed your hand and slowly pulled you towards him and onto his lap, where he engulfed you in his arms as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"You know what, just tell her the truth, tell her how it all happened. I am sure she will understand."
"You don't know Jo then."

A few hours later you pulled into the road house. Sam glanced at both you and Dean before asking, "So you figured out how to tell her yet?"
"We are just going to tell her the truth." Dean said, squeezing your leg before you saw her. Jo was your best friend, your dad would leave you with Ellen when he went hunting, so over the years you two formed a bound that was like the one Dean and Sam shared, you two were sisters. Dean was the first to open his door, and stood there shocked when you got out of Sam's side and instead of look at him, you went running towards the excited girl with blonde waves.
"Jo!" You screamed as you collided
"[Y/N]! It has been too long." She whispered the last part.
"I know, we have been really busy. I have to tell you about the werewolf hunt we went on where Dean got spooked by a tiny little bunny." You heard her laugh and then felt her start to release, for you knew whose arms she would find herself in next.
"Why if it isn't the great Dean Winchester, the one who was spooked by a little bunny rabbit.
"Hey in my defense it was dark and the crunching it created on the forest floor was quite loud." He wrapped her in a quick hug, but quickly let go, his eyes finding yours.
"And Sam, have you shrunk a bit?" She joked as she quickly hugged him, but released him just as fast.
"Actually I think he is taller." You replied as Dean took a step closer to you.
"Hey Jo I got something to tell ya." He started
"Yes Dean?" She smiled at him, not knowing that the news she was about to hear would crush her.
"Well I just..."
"He just wanted to ask where Ellen is?" You interrupted as her smile fell a bit, she really just wanted to hear him say he loved her as more then a little sister, but he somehow fell for you.
"She's waiting for y'all inside."she said and instantly perked up when she said, "oMG [Y/N] you will never guess who I saw." And she instantly was guiding you dragging you by the arm, jawing your ear off until Ellen came out for the kitchen area, "I thought I heard y'all pull up." She quickly pulled you from Jo's side and hugged you tightly. You heard Dean chuckle a bit at the sight and noticed out of the corner of your eye Jo smile a bit. She was really love struck when it came to Dean, and as much as she tried to hide it we all knew.
"You two better get your asses over here and give me a hug. She barked as she released you and started towards the boys.
"You wanna take your stuff into my room?" Jo asked smiling.
"Sure." You smiled back and practically skipped back to the Impala. As you lifted the trunk though you heard the door open again.
"What was that?" The deep voice you loved whispered as he reached in for his and Sammy's duffles.
"Dean I panicked ok?" You whispered back
"Why? I told you she will be more happy that we were honest then lying to her."
"Dean you lie to people for a living. And it's not lying it is just avoiding the truth."
"Hurry up you two, Mom wants to ask you all about dinner." Jo yelled from behind the screen door as Dean slammed the trunk closed.
"This conversation isn't over." He hissed as he sped ahead of you, leaving you with a hard decision, hurt the man you love, or hurt your best friend.

After the late dinner and the midnight drinks you and Jo retreated to her room leaving the boys alone at the bar. Dean kept his distance, meaning instead of being glued to your side all the time he stood about five feet from you, sat two people away from you and would steal glances every few minutes, his eyes showing that he missed you, even though you were right there. As you started towards the room you heard the phone in your pocket vibrate, you quickly pulled it out revealing the text.

The badass hunter: I'm not sure how I am going to sleep tonight without you.

You: I am sure you will be okay, it is just one weekend.

As you entered the room you couldn't help but notice that Jo seemed troubled a bit. "Ok Jo spill it."
"Spill what?"
"You are giving me the 'I need to rant to my best friend about something' look. So spill." You smiled as she laughed a bit.
"Fine you caught me, but you are going to think it is silly."
"Unless it is that you adopted an adorable monkey that rides a motorcycle then I won't think it is funny."
"Is Dean seeing someone?"
"He just seems different, he has the look of Cupid all over him. I just wanted to know if he was still available?"
"I hate to be the bearer of tragic news but he is seeing someone."
"Would I like her?" She sadly said, a look of defeat in her eyes that would soon be replaced by rage.
"Yea I am sure you would."
"How do you know?"
"Because he is seeing me." You whispered

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