We're going to Disney World!!!!

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"Wait I thought we always said never hunt in big, touristy cities?" You asked as you sat in the passenger seat of the black 1967 Impala. Sammy was sitting in the back, taking up the whole seat as he stretched out, Dean was driving the beauty he called Baby, the classic rock softly playing as you discussed this "case" that the boys had found without you. However there was no case.

"Well we did," Dean started, "however this one is special, we are the only ones Bobby could find to handle it."
"I am sure Pops could have found someone closer to Orlando who could have handled it."
"I don't think so." Dean smiled at you, Sam shaking his head at the scene that was slowly unfolding before him.

"Bobby you gotta help me." Dean stated as he walked into the kitchen where Bobby was preparing Mac and Cheese on the stove, along with drinking the last of the beers.
"I already told you that I need some more time to figure out what kind of creature is..."
"Not on the case Bobby. as you know me and [Y/N] have been dating for a while."
"Son, after two years I would figure you would be an old married couple by now."
"Almost two years. I want to do something special for her for our anniversary but I am not sure what."
"Well why not just beer and chocolate?" He tipped the bottle up and quickly took a swig, however he failed to swallow
"No Bobby like I got your daughter a diamond ring special."
"You what?" The beer spitting out of his mouth and all over the wall he was facing before he said it, he attention now drawn away from the pot on the stove and now fully devoted the sandy blonde, green eyed, giant teddy bear before him.
"Is there anything she really wanted to do as a kid?"
"Wait... Are you trying to say you bought my daughter a diamond ring? Dean are you..."
"Yes Bobby, now can you just answer the question."
"Well there was one thing." Bobby started.
"She always wanted to go to Disney World but given my line of work I never took her as a kid. She used to beg me, even when she was a teenager. Broke my heart I never took her."
"Bobby, I am taking her there." And with that Dean was gone.

"So let me get this straight." You started as Dean parked outside of the old, dirty hotel that you would be residing in, "We have no idea what we are going after, but we know that witnesses described it as a goofy looking Dog shaped creature with a funny hat?"
"Yea and another said it looked like a pant less duck." Sam answered.
"Don't forget the laughing rodent with pants." Dean added
"I have never heard of something like this before in my whole life." You sighed.
"Well let's just go get some sleep, I am sure we will figure it out tomorrow." Sam smiled as he took his room key and fled the car, which you thought was odd since you all always shared a room.
"Ok night Sammy." You shouted as the door slammed, leaving you and Dean completely alone.
"So you ready to go inside?" Dean pointed a finger towards the door which was apparently yours, the number was slightly falling off and the paint on the exterior was peeling, home sweet home.
"I guess I am as ready as I will ever be to spend another anniversary in an gross hotel." You sighed and then opened the door, Dean smiling as he thought of your surprise.
"Well isn't this the dream though? To live on the verge of danger, traveling from dirty motel to dirty motel with the geeky less handsome brother and the awesome, charming love of your life."
"Well it is but maybe once we can try something new?"
"I'm not sure how to do that but I can try." He leaned over and kissed your check before opening his door and stepping out, you repeating the same action on your side.

"Rise and shine sunshine!" Dean shouted as you rolled over and buried your head deeper into the pillow.
"Wake up sleepy head, you need to blow out the candle."
"Dean what are you..." You sat up and came face to face with a Mickey Mouse cupcake, complete with a lit candle. You followed the arm holding the flaming pastry to find Dean attached, smiling and wearing a Micky mouse shirt with a red flannel on top along with his normal jeans. You smiled a bit as you leaned forward a but and blew out the candle, a single, thin line of smoke ascended from the once lit stick of wax and you smiled wide as Dean leaned forward a bit to kiss your forehead.
"Babe it is our two year wedding anniversary, not my fifth birthday party." You whispered as you tried to roll out of bed, however that proved rather hard when Dean had his body pinning down your legs.
"I know what day it is, but trust me."
"Dean Winchester I trust you with my life." You smiled as you leaned forward and found the perfect lips you called yours. He kissed you, clearly wanting more but quickly ended it and pointed to the Mickey Mouse bags you just noticed sitting on the table, "if you really trusted me, you would put on the contents of that bag." He then jumped up and exited the room, leaving you confused.

You were instructed by Dean to shut your eyes, for he was driving you somewhere, he claimed you would love it and that if You knew the surprise would be ruined. So here we were, parking.
"May I open them now?" You asked, both hand over your shut eyes as he cut the engine.
"Almost, I'll come help you out." You could hear him open and shut his own day and several moments later your own open. Then you felt a sudden closeness and the click of a seat belt. His hand then lightly found your arm and guided you out into the warm Florida weather. You were quite comfortable though, for Dean had bought you a pair of jean shorts with a Micky mouse symbol embroidered on, and a Peter Pan tank top.
"Ok you can open up now." He whispered as you removed your hands from your face, and released a gasp, tears forming in your eyes.

Age six: "Daddy, what's Disney World?"
"Well honey, Disney is a magical place, where wishes come true. The children never have to grow up, and in a sense even the adults act like children."
"Is it fun there?"
"Well I would assume, I have never been."
"Do you think it looks like it does in the beginning of Peter Pan?"
"Yea, it probably does look like the logo."
"Can we go there?"
"Maybe one day, when Daddy isn't fighting the monsters."

Age 10: "Anything happen at school today?"
"Nah, just the normal stuff, oh but Becky just got back from Disney and was bragging about how spoiled she is."
"Yea, do you think we could one day go to Disney world?"
"Soon honey, real soon."

Age 16: "happy birthday Sweetheart."
"Thanks Daddy."
"So this year I got you something you have always wanted." He handed you an envelope.
"This wouldn't be..."
"Open them and find out."
You ripped the envelope open with glee and pulled out a card, the card had Peter Pan on the front. You squealed and opened it quickly, your face quickly falling though at the sight of a 100 dollar bill and a little card that said, 'good for one shopping trip."
"Thanks daddy." You forced a smile as you gave the man you loved a hug. Later that night you would slip the hundred back into his wallet and the little coupon he made you still sits on your dresser unused.

Age 20: Dad I am telling you that I will pay for half, even 3/4 of the trip."
"Why can't you pay for all of it?"
"Because I don't have a lot of money, hell to even pay for half I would have to take a semester off and work extra at the diner."
"This is impractical. You can't go."
"But this has been my dream since I was a little girl!"
"And it is a silly dream, you aren't going to Disney World!"

Here you were though, in the parking lot of your dream. You finally made it to Disney world, and with none other then the love of your life.

"Dean, you didn't have to..."
"But I did, because every girl deserves to be a princess in Disney at least once."
"Does that make you my Flynn Rider?" You smiled, as his eyes rolled. For you had once made him watch tangled with you everyday, twice a day, for a month.
"For you are my dream." He whispered in his most sexy voice.
"And you mine." You leaned forward and kissed him before taking his hand and leading him to the most happy place on earth.

You rode everything, and the very last ride you both went on was the Peter Pan ride. As you stood on line you could see the slight nervousness that Dean was showing.
"You know we don't have to ride this one is you don't want to?" You asked as you squeezed his hand slightly.
"Yea I know." He said, "But this is your favorite ride probably and I don't want to miss it."
"How sweet, but really if you don't want to...." He cut you off rather quickly, "come on we are next."
As he guided you into the boat he wrapped an arm around you. You waited a few moments before you launched forward and then Dean spoke, his voice shaking slightly. "I love you."
"I love you too, thanks for taking me today." You snuggles closer to him before looking over the edge to observe the display below.
"I love you more then you could imagine and I never want to lose you, since we were little you have always given me a feeling, a feeling I have always enjoyed and I want nothing more then you to be mine. [Y/N]..."
At the sound of your own name, especially after that speech, you turned your head to see Dean holding a little black box with a single diamond ring.
"Marry me?" He asked, "I know I can't give you the apple pie life you deserve but I can't imagine life..."
"Oh shut up and kiss me." You said, as tears slowly feel from your eyes and reached for his collar. When you finally pulled away, you stretched out your left hand and watched as he slipped the rest of your life onto your ring finger.

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