She'll understand (part two)

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open, you were in a cell, Carol sitting next to you with a damp cloth to blotting your head.
"Hey [Y/N]." She softly said as she moved the cloth away.
"What happened?" You whispered as she handed you a mug of water, which you happily drank.
"You fainted, been out about an hour or two, maybe more. Do you remember what happened before that?"
"Um Glenn told me Oscar didn't make it, and when I asked about Daryl...." You trailed off, tears comin to your eyes as you balled your fist up, sure as Hell the man you kissed goodbye just this morning was died, that you didn't get to tell him all the things you wanted to, and you never would.
"Well in a bit Rick wants to see ya. But for now just rest a bit. I'll be back in a few to bring ya some food." And she left ya by your lonesome, with your thoughts and nothing more.

"Merle I'm tellin ya, when it comes to good movies the transformer movies are the best."
"You are only sayin that because you think Labeouf guy is cute."
"More like I always wanted a car like Bumblebee." You went to the cabinet of the RV and pulled out the whiskey, pouring it into a semi clean glass as you heard the door open and close, and boot against the floor.
"I still think that Chainsaw Massacre is the best, and you won't change my mind."
"Not trying too. However if you insult my taste again you will regret it. What is that?" You directed your attention to Daryl who had come in carrying some squirrel pellets and a container of meat, most likely belonging to the five squirrels he killed.
"Dinner, had to fight off a few walkers for it but it should hold the camp over for a night."
"I'll go with ya tomorrow see if we can't get a buck." You replied as you handed Daryl the bottle.
"Or you could go with the Asian meat, get us some smokes."
"Oh ok maybe some of the white stuff." Merle's eyes lit up as he asked you get the one thing you and Daryl agreed he couldn't have.
"Or you can just be happy with the smokes and the booze and that you have a camp and just shut your hole." You snapped as you looked at Merle, who went from smiling to a scowl.
"Watch your mouth you little slut and do as you are told." He pointed a finger at you and before you had time to even react Daryl had his crossbow pointed straight at his temple, "watch your mouth brother. Now apologize to her, or I'll make sure you never can say anything again.
"Now Daryl think about this, she's just a woman, I'm blood."
"And she's also family, which means you will treat her with nothing but respect from now on."
"What are you saying little brother?"
"I'm saying I want to marry her, and if you can't learn respect then I have no problem putting you down."
"So you choose some silly board over me?"
"At least she loves me more then some stupid drug."

When you woke up from your nap you saw Rick seated outside the bunk, staring at the wall opposite the door.
"Alright Rick where is Daryl?" You startled him. Causing him to turn his head quickly and give you a sad smile.
"How did he die?" You asked, slowly sitting up.
"[Y/N] he ain't dead."
"Then where is he Rick? I swear to God if you left him behind to fight by himself..."
"We found Merle, he was working as a cop sorta."
"Why would anyone want him as a cop?"
"He is the one who tortured Glenn and Maggie. Daryl got left behind, when I went back to get him he and Merle were fighting walkers and each other for entertainment. We got them both out alive but Daryl decided to go with Merle instead of come with us. Said he couldn't leave his brother."
"Why would he do that?"
"He said you would understand."
"Well I don't. And I'm assuming we aren't going to find him because Merle is still pissed about the roof incident."
"Yea he was. I'm sorry but Daryl is gone."
"And we are as good as dead." You whispered before slowly standing up and returning to the perch.

"[y/n] what are you doing?" You sat on the porch of the farm house and sat looking at a small leather book, which was slowly fading. When you looked up you saw Daryl had sat next to you on the steps, looking over your shoulder.
" You told me when you saw this tumble out of bag that this was the dumbest thing I could have taken from our shitty apartment."
"Well it was, could have gotten some more clothes in or food. But instead..."
"I got the only photo evidence of you smiling." You flipped to the page with the picture of you and Daryl, dressed up at your sister's wedding, it was when the two of you had first started dating, your sister snapped the picture while the two of you were dancing, you both were laughing, smiles spread across your faces. It was a better times before the world went to shit.
"Knew I should have burned that picture." He placed an arm around your shoulder as you continued to flip through the pages.
"When did you take that one?" He pointed at one of him sleeping curled up in the blankets.
"Oh wow, that was the first night you stayed over at my place, when I still lived with my ma. You just looked so cute in my purple sheets I couldn't resist."
"Hey this is the picture of that time you were sick and sleeping on my couch." He pointed at a phot of you laying ontop of him on the dusty old couch, a bucket filled with something resembling vomit next to me.
"Merle took it, said we looked all cute and that he had never seen his brother look that comfortable. He told me I was good for you and to never hurt you unless I wanted a puzzled off Merle after me."
"Never show anyone these pictures ok?"
"Why, don't want anyone to know that the whole badass, mysterious redneck with a crossbow is all a coverup to hid the fact that he is a huge softy when it comes to romance?" You smiled and looked at him and the side eyes he was giving you.
"Well don't worry, I only showed Carol." You smiled as you stood up and walked back to the tent you both shared.
"Oh no you didn't." You turned your head just in time to see him jump up and start to chase you, causing you to run away in glee.

You just laid up there in you mess of bedding which still harbor end his scent for at least a day. You could feel some tears starting to fall as you heard footsteps start up the stairs, "you wanna come down, eat a little?" Carol asked
You rolled over and looked at her, "Yea. I guess." You slowly got up and found yourself looking at the ring on your left hand, as you walked down the steps to see Judith, in the arms of Beth.
"Hey [Y/N] you wanna hold her, I gotta go check on Daddy."
"Oh course." I plucked the newborn right up and watched her face as I heard Beth's footsteps fade away.
"You look good with a kid." Carol said leaning against the wall as you stood rocking the now crying infant.
"Ya think?" A smile spread across your face for the first time since yesterday, "ya know it may not seem like it but big bad Daryl Dixon actually talked about having kids one day."
"I never took him as a man wanting kids." Carol replied.
"Yea it was before all this though. When we were just a normal young couple trying to make it on our own."

"Daryl we don't want to be late, we told Karen we would be there at 6 to watch Lyla." You called from the living room of your small, run-down apartment.
"Why do we gotta go watch a baby, all they do is cry and shit, plus they are just another mouth to feed."
"Simple it is the nice thing to do, now hurry up before Keith yells at us both for being late." He came sulking out of the room, wearing his dark wash jeans and a sleeves flannel.
"If it makes ya feel better we can leave at 9 when they get back, and then I'll play dress down for you. I'm even wearing the red lace you like so much."
"9 can't come soon enough." He grunted as you walked out the door together and drove in silence to the other side of town where the nice houses were.
" oh finally, we are already late she's napping please don't let your scum wake her." Keith said as he threw the door open and rushed your sister out.
"Hey don't call him scum, if anyone is scum its you." Daryl shouted.
"You are so lucky my wife's sister pitied you otherwise..."
"Just get the fuck outta here Keith!" You shouted as he got into his fancy sports car.
"God I hate that man." Daryl whispered to you.

After about 30 minutes of silence a cry filled the house casing you to rush and get the one year old little girl. You carried her downstairs, where you laid on the ground and played with her as Daryl watched tv, or so you thought. In all reality he was watching you play with Lyla. After a while he said, "Ever thought about having one of them?"
"What?" You said looking up from the small block tower you were building for Lyla to knock down.
"You know maybe one day having kids."
"Daryl Dixon, just an hour ago you were saying kids were only good for crying, eat and shit. Now you saying you want one?"
"To be honest, seeing ya play with the little shitter makes me kinda want my own."
"Daryl are you going soft on me?"
"Shut up Sunshine." He smiled as he turned back to his tv show, however you could help but notice the occasional glance he gave you both."

At dinner you noticed Rick was missing, "where did Rick go?"
"Into the forest, told him not to, but he wouldn't listen." Hershel replied as the door to the cell block opened revealing Rick.
"Speak of the devil." You smiled.
"[Y/N] I need you to come see something." Rick instructed as you slowly got up from the other, Carol throwing you a look of sympathy as you hurried out into the other room.
"Did you find him dead?" You asked
"I don't know Sunshine to we look dead." A forgotten voice said, it was higher then the one you wanted to hear but you knew the man you wanted would be with him, which you confirmed when you looked up and met eyes with the one and only Daryl Dixon.

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