If you killed a billion people I would still love you

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You woke up to the sound of knocking on your apartment door, as you rolled out of bed the knocking progressively got louder, causing you to shout, "I'm coming!" Your hair was a mess, you had dried drool on your chin and you were wearing a tank top and shorts. You slipped some slippers on and found your way to the door in a tired state. When you opened it though you were fully alert, "Dad?" 

For at your door stood Bobby Singer, the man who took you in when you were three after your family was killed by the supernatural beings of this earth. "I need your help Baby girl." His eyes met yours, "need help researching a case for...."

"And you couldn't just call?" You chuckled

"What a man can't come see his daughter?"

You laughed again, "give me a minute Pops, unless you want me to wear this?"

"Nah, I'll wait." He said as you showed him to the couch and went to get dressed.

"Pops, you could research this on your own?"

"Can you just tell me how to..."

"Flame thrower, you know that."

Before Bobby could answer though you heard the door open, "Hey Bobby!" A common voice called.

The voice belonged to your best friend, Samuel Winchester. You two grew up together, being similar in age you to did everything together and formed an unbreakable bond. However your romantic interest lied with the older Winchester, Dean Winchester.You and Sammy spent most of your time pranking him, or planning new ways to get back at him, but in the end, you started to like him and you could even say he was you high school sweetheart since on your 16th birthday his present to you was a kiss. From there it just manifested into a relationship lasting far longer then either of you expected. And then he sold his soul.

The night the hounds came to claim him still hunted your memories and dreams, you were stuck there, you couldn't stop them from shredding him, you could only watch in horror as they left him a bloody mess five month earlier.

At the sound of Sam's voice you looked at your father, "Did you just drag me here to see Sammy?"

"Figured you needed a familiar face." He smiled as you ran out to the hall, however what you saw stopped you in your track, and caused an audial gasp to escape your lips, for you knew that man anywhere.

"Hey princess." He said, turning to look at you, you couldn't move, couldn't speak, you just started to cry, you thought he was dead, but here he was. "Dean I think your little surprise broke her." Sammy teased, but at that moment you knew it had to be real, and so you sprinted and jumped into his arms, once he caught you you just buried your face in his shoulder and inhaled the familiar scent.

"I missed you princess." He whispered as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, your legs around his waist as he started to carry you towards the den, you hung on, not for the fear of falling, but for the fear of this really not being real.

Later that night you both laid in your childhood bed, which was not uncommon for you both to do when he was over.

"So how did you get out Dean?"

"Well I got out about a month ago, this angel Cas..."

"A month ago, and I am just finding out now!" You exclaimed, "Dean we've been dating for nine year."

"I knew you weren't going to want me if you knew what I did down there, in my time I was trapped for forty years, I did things that were unimaginable."

"Nothing you do will ever make me...."

"I tortured souls, I told Sammy and Bobby I didn't remember anything but I remember everything. Every year I would be tortured because I refused to torture others, until I couldn't refuse anymore. For thirty years I was cut, carved, torn apart, and then put back together just so they could start it all over again. Then after that I was tired of being the rag doll, and I told Alasdair finally I would agree to his terms, and I got off that rack and tortured so many souls that I lost count, and the scariest part is, I enjoyed it, I did horrible things to them and the whole time I was just praying that I wouldn't be able to feel anything."

Tears were welling up in his eyes as he laid there, you looked down upon him and did the only thing you needed to, you kissed him, and not just the little pecks you did earlier when your dad and Sam were around. No you two kissed like there was no tomorrow and no need for air.

When you finally did split apart you whispered into his ear, "I will love you no matter what Winchester, you could have killed a billion souls and I would still love you."

"I figured that I would have it no other way princess." He smiled as you wiped the escaped tears from his face, and then you kissed him again.

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