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"Wait I have to what?" You asked as you stared at the three boys before you.
"You have to go undercover at the ball." Cas said, "the three of us will show up about an hour after you and Crowley."
"Wait. I'm going with..."
"Crowley is the one getting us in. That's was the deal he wanted to do it." Sam answered, "he even bought you a dress."
"He bought.... He bought me a dress?"
"Well what else would you wear to a fancy party? I hate to tell you but the everyday attire is crippling to the rich."
"And I just have to..."
"Crowley said there would be a shape shifter at this party, we gotta kill it."
"Ok, well I better go get ready." You gulped as you quickly walked to your room at the end of the hall.

It wasn't who you were going with that was the problem, it was what you had to wear. You had a feeling there was no shape shifter, just a story made up by  your boyfriend so that your best friends in the entire world wouldn't realize that  he was taking you on a date. When you opened the door you saw the short black and red dress resting on the bed, with a pair of matching wedges and ruby jewelry. You knew why he was taking you on this date, and not one of the normal ones you had been sneaking off to for the past seven months. You challenged him, you said he would never get you to wear a dress, and now he was.

By the time seven o clock rolled around you were ready, your hair was loosely curled, your makeup was light but your red lips were noticeable, the dress was on, the shoes were making you a whole three inches taller and the jewelry glittered off your skin. If you didn't know it was you you would have sworn you were looking at a princess.
"Crowley is here!" Dean yelled as you started out the door, walking was proving as a bit of an issue but you made it to the living room where everyone's mouth dropped.
"Holy shit." Dean whispered under his breath while Cas and Sam just stared, Crowley however wore the biggest smile.
"Now I defiantly want a picture of that." He laughed as you blushed.
"Well are we going to this or are you going to make me stand here in these uncomfortable shoes all night?"
"Well I mean the car is right outside. So let's go." Crowley extended a hand which you gladly took.
"See ya in an hour." Dean called as you left the bunker
"So tell me the truth Fergus, there is no monster is there?"
"Not at all. But they don't know that." He smiled as he held the door open for you.

When you got there you were completely blown away, the mansion was covered in Christmas lights and the lawn was all freshly trimmed. A red carpet went from the entrance to the street, and people were posted at the ends to open the doors to the cars and to the house once you provided a name on the list.
"How did you get us in to this again?" You whispered as you proceeded done the carpet
"The host is a demon, his vessel is quite rich so after killing him he decided to squander his money and then fake a suicide."
"Well at least you are getting a fancy party out of it."
"At least I am doing something you said would never happen." He laughed.
"Crowley plus one." He said
"Ah yes master go right in."
"Fair warning Fredrick the Winchesters and their baby in a trench coat plan in crashing the party. See to it that they don't make it past the doorway, but don't kill them." You sternly said
"Of course your highness. Shall I tell them you and Mr. Crowley are preoccupied."
"That would be lovely." You smiled.
"They will think I did it you know?" Crowley whispered to you
"I know. All the more fun, don't you think?"

You both had a blast, you danced, ate, and just couldn't stop smiling. On the ride back you curled into his chest and just were silent until Crowley said, "you know darling you look stunning in a dress."
"Don't get used to it, come tomorrow it's back to flannel and jeans."
"Well this image will be engraved in my mind forever." He leaned down and kissed the top of your head.
The car soon came to a stop, and you both slid out of the car, you slamming the door behind you. When you got to the door, you turned to say good night but Crowley had other plans in mind, and you couldn't really blame him, I mean he was your boyfriend and all.
He leaned down and kissed you, as you threw your arms around his neck, completely forgetting that this whole thing was risky and someone could see you at any moment.
"Crowley, what the hell man we got to th...." Dean was saying as he threw open the door, fuming as he did, but was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you both kissing, but then breaking apart when you heard the next part, "WHAT THE FUCK!"
"Whoops." You said, looking at Crowley, who was smiling back at you.

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