Imagine your Son questioning why her father left

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"Momma, why is Daddy such a mean man?" Lawrence asked as his feet dangled from the wooden table he was seated at, your back turned to him as you placed the dishes onto the counter to clean later.

"Now why would you say your father was a mean man? For he never raised a hand to us, or was harsh."

"But he left us? Doesn't that make him a mean man?" He looked at you with his large, round, brown eyes, which resembled his. They were filled with wonder and love just as his were whenever Guinness would enter the room.

"You must understand my dear, your daddy, is a wonderful man. He was smart, and kind, and a lover of all the beauties of the world, especially art. However, I didn't make him happy. I told him once, I only ever wanted him to be happy, because that is what any person would want for someone they love, just as I wish for you." You smiled as you smoothed out the skirt of your dress.

"But he made you sad? and me? If Daddy really loved us wouldn't he have stayed, or taken us with him. He wouldn't have made you cry."

"Sweetie, there will be a time soon where you learn that love is much more complicated then it appears. When I told your Daddy I wanted him to be happy, I sacrificed my own happiness for a little while. But it is okay, because thankfully time heals all wounds and knowing your Daddy is happy somewhere is enough to make me feel happy, plus he gave me you, and you are enough to make me smile everyday." You smiled kissing her forehead, "Now how about we go and see if there is any flour in the market place?"

"Yes mother." Lawrence replied with a large smile, as he ran past one of the many valuable art pieces your husband had left behind. As you looked at the piece you slowly breathed out, hoping your husband was enjoying the cock he had chosen over you.

 As you looked at the piece you slowly breathed out, hoping your husband was enjoying the cock he had chosen over you

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