After the Pie (Castiel)

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The pie slowly fell to the floor as you started to fall yourself, for you weren't expecting that to happen when your father invited an angel over for dinner. You just stared at the spot he once stood as tears feel down your face silently, why were you crying over a man you just met, a attractive man, who thought you were beautiful, who was willing to try something knew, a man you barely knew, and man who was even technically a man, a man who had vanished. You didn't hear the boys run in, you didn't hear the remark Dean made about the wasted pie, or Sam kneel down to you to see if you were ok, or your father slowly start to pick up the thrown pie, all you heard was his voice over and over going, "you're beautiful."

For it was months before you saw the angel again, he hadn't changed a bit, when you saw him you had tried to erase the whole memory away, however it wasn't fading easily. For when you shut your eyes sometimes after hearing a Cas story you could still see the look of hurt when you rejected him, or the look of pure joy when he talked about you, you could still see him vanish away, and you could still feel the silence that he surrounded you in.

For if it had been up to him, he would have just chickened out, in attempts to avoid you like he had for months now, to stay away from the hurt he still felt. For God had once said for everyone has a soulmate out there, and another man had said when you know, you just know, and Cas he just knew. For the feelings he felt towards you never went away, they only grew with every passing moment. He just wanted to forget you existed but with every passing minute he wanted to ask you what the human emotion of love felt like because it was too painful for Sam to discuss and He was positive Dean had never felt true love. There were always nights though where he found himself thinking of you while the rest of humanity was asleep, and he would always find himself in the same two places, your bedroom where he would watch over you and make sure nothing harmed you or he would find himself in Bobby's Junk Yard, sitting on a car hood and looking at the stars. For it was Bobby that made him finally stop ignoring you.

"What are you doing Boy?" The gruff voice asked, pulling Cas out of his trance.

"Well I am looking at the stars."


"I don't want to see her." Cas outbursts

"What are you talking about? I was just going to ask if you wanted a beer?"

"Oh I thought you were going...."

"You know Cas she's sorry."

"How do you know?"

"The girl ain't been right since ya left. When she hears the door open, or the impala pull up she is hoping you will appear, but when you don't she just acts different."

"Well I am sorry but I don't..."

"Cas I get the whole angel thing but you have to know, she isn't like the girls Dean dates, she ain't going to hook up with anything with two legs, she just wanted to get to know ya a bit, before she agreed with ya on the whole Soulmate thing."

"Was I too bold?"

"Cas, you took bold to a whole new level."

"How do I make it up to..."

"Dinner, 7, tomorrow. I'll make sure she don't make a pie either this time."

"Is that fresh pie I smell?" Dean asked

"Well I hate to tell ya Deano but it is cake, Pops said no pie this time."

"Probably scared you will paint the wall with it again." Sam laughed

"Trust me Sammy, it won't go against the wall unless..."

"Hello [y/n]." The angel whispered causing you to turn your head towards the angel, who stood in the doorway almost scared to enter. He looked almost relieved when he saw you smile wide and say, "well long time no see, heaven keepin ya too busy to come see me?"

"Well actually I was..."

"What smells like it is burning?" Sam interrupted as you went running towards the pizza which was just starting to blacken in the oven.

"Shit, thanks Sammy. We almost just had to go waste 30 bucks on gross, greasy food."

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with grease food of America." Dean pointed a finger at you which you quickly nipped at.

"Where's Bobby?" Sam asked, noting the absence of the old trucker looking fella who you all had grown to love.

"Oh yea he said he wanted you and Dean to go help him look at a old clincker, said to tell ya to meet him out back." You smiled at the boys as they started out Cas not far behind.

"Cas where do you think you are going?" Dean asked, after the big baby in a trench coat stepped on his boot heel.

"To go assist with the car, maybe I can heal it."

"Cas we both know your angel mojo won't work on a car, plus you don't know a thing about Cars. Just stay here, we'll be back in a sec." And then the Winchester boys were gone out the front porch.

"Bobby I thought you were..." Sam started

"Shut up ya idjit and get over here." Bobby hissed as he sat on the porch, drinking a beer.

"So Cas..."

"I'm sorry." He outbursted


"I just want to apologize for my boldness our last encounter, I realize how awkward it must have made you feel and I am truly sorry if I made you..."

"Cas, I get that you are an angel and new to this whole human interaction thing, but it is my fault for overreacting...."

"This is not your fault..."

"Cas I really like you!"


It was now his turn to be shocked, for you looked at your feet and then into the same blue eyes you found so magical last time.

"When you just vanished I missed you everyday, I wanted you to so badly walk through that door and say that everything was ok, it wasn't until you finally did though that everything felt ok again. I have legit been a wreck, after you left I shut everything out I went numb. I could still see your face when I would shut my eyes, hear you saying that I was beautiful. Gosh Cas I just mis..."

You were cut short though by Cas's lips crashing into yours, for no kiss had ever made you feel so high before, and you never wanted to come down.

"Seeing how I made dinner for the boys already do you want to go out?"

"Like on a date?"

"Like on a date Cas."

"Sure" and with that he zapped you out of there.

Maybe God was right, everyone does have a soulmate, you just have to find the right baby in a trench coat <3

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