Writing each other's vows (Dean)

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"Come on Dean smile, these should be the happiest day of your life." Sam said as he pinned the flower to his suit jacket.

"I am happy, I'm just nervous."

"Why?" Sam asked puzzled

"Well you know how normally the groom and bride write their own vows."


"We are writing each others, and I don't want to seem cocky or like a huge jerk when I write hers."

"Please, I'm sure you will do fine, I mean you both love each other and adore one another and that is all that matter

"Yea... still not sure what to write."

"It will come to you. I'll go check on the future Winchester while you do."

"Knock Knock." Sam sung as he opened your door to find you sitting on the couch in your dress head in hand.

"Hey...hey whats wrong?" Sam asked placing a hand on your black and red skirt.

"Sam I can't think of how to word these vows." You whispered

"It's fine, i'm sure you two will know what to say when it comes time, don't stress it."

"But what if I..."

"Will these affect the way you feel for each other?"


"Will this affect the rest of you life?"


"So just have fun with it."

"I love you Sam, you are the best friend I have ever had."

"I know." He kissed your forehead as he left the room, hoping that you two could just get through the day.

You swore you saw a tear form as you walked towards the alter, when you reached the three boys and Bobby, who was officiating your ceremony, you reached up and brushed the tear away from though emerald eyes. You got lost in them for the first 5 minutes of your wedding and didn't snap back until Dean said loudly in the mostly empty room, "BABE!"

"Hmm sorry what were you saying?"

"Rock, Paper Scissors to see who reads their vows first?"

"You're on." We stuck our fist our and went...


Dean:Scissors                   You:Rock

"You lose." You smiled as you passed him the paper yo had finished writing moments before the actual wedding.

"I let you win." He said annoyed that he lost, but also handing you the paper he had written, also finishing just moments before you walked towards him in that stunning red and black dress with your hair all pulled up.

"Hello I am Dean Winchester, and I am not Batman. I never pictured myself here,not with the life I lead. Honestly I figured I would never find love in anything else other then my family and my Baby. It all changed though when I met [Y/N] at a local bar and did what I normally did, too bad when I removed that tight shirt of hers I found an anti-possession tattoo and invited her to join me and my brother hunting. When I did that I never expected to fall in love with her, but here we are, years later, and having a chick flick moment with my family. I couldn't ask for anything better. So as your husband, I promise to tell you I love you more then Baby at least once every ten years, I promise to stop being so gay for Dr. McSexy, even though I know you love him. I promise to share my pie, even the pecan, and to not complain when you want to watch a Nicholas Sparks movie. I promise to never stop telling you that you are beautiful every morning when you wake up, even when you have bed head. I promise to never stop loving you, even when we are fighting. And I promise to stop using the word Awesome so much." He took his hand in yours and squeezed it lightly before adding his own ending, "And I promise to love you even when we are a crazy, old couple whose lost our minds and have been trusted with shotguns."

You smiled at the last part, imagining you both as the old coots you would grow to be, welding shotguns that your possible future children would have to remove from you both forcibly.

"It's your turn babe." He said as he flashed you the grin you loved.

"Thank you, thank you for showing me what love really is, before I met you, you didn't believe love was possible for someone like you, lets face it you didn't even love yourself until I changed your mind, you dragged me out of my personal hell, but instead of the shoulder I have forever marked your heart. Now that we are promising to stay together forever I need to promise you somethings, for starters, I may love you with all my heart but you need to understand Baby is a close second, and if it was legal i would have married her the day I turned 16, so please continue respect the time I set aside for just me and my baby. Second, please stop insulting westerns and bad tv shows, but if I am to do this then you must respect the Notebook at least once. I promise to stop eating your pie, and drinking the last of your beer. Also I will try as hard as possible to stop stealing all the covers at night, and to stop changing the tape in Baby from Classic to Rap. And lastly, I promise to love you, even on the days I want to strangle you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sometimes I just wanna strangle your annoying ass."

""I think you mean Adorable." He joked


Bobby cleared his thorat at that point, "Now if you two are done, may we proceed?"

"Yes sir." You both answered.

"Do you take Dean Winchester as your husband, Miss [y/n] soon to be Winchester?"

"I Do." You beamed

"Do you take [Y/n] [y/l/n] as your wife, and if you say no then you are an idjit."

"Don't worry Bobby, I do."

"Well with then you two make kiss as husband and wife." You both wasted no time to kiss and then Dean took your hand and ran you both into the hall, where he pushed up against the wall and kissed you some more, he pulled away for a few seconds and whispered, "you're awesome."

"I know, now lets just go."

"I can't argue against great sex." and he carried you to your dressing room, to start the honeymooning early.

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