Last smoke

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There was only two left, God in times like these you were lucky to even have two. You hid them in your backpack, wrapped up to keep 'em from breaking. You had them since Atlanta, the last run you went on before heading out you found two packs, one for you and one for him, you took 'em both along with whatever else you could carry and left. He went through his in a week, you could find him smoking at least three a night, so it didn't surprise you when he came to you asking for yours, however knowing his habits you told him to find his own, to which he smiled and told you next run he would find some, which he did ever once and a while. And as you sat on the roof of that prison looking out into the open field where the gardens were and up towards the star littered sky that two lit up into one. See you only smoked when shit got bad, like when you got separated from The love of your life after the hoard attacked, or like when Lori, your baby brother's wife, died during child birth, tonight like though nights were bad.

Tonight was the night that out in the lot your buttons had been pushed, where you started to point out his occasional recklessness, the fact that sometimes when he left the perch you both shared you wondered if that night you would be sleeping alone, and then you were called the name he loved to call you, "I thought my recklessness was the reason you feel in love with me Sunshine."
"No, I feel in love with you because you were a handsome redneck with a caring heart who would trade anything, even your own life, to save someone."
"Well you know when we started that I was reckless so I don't see why that is a problem now?" He smirked at you, causing your blood to boil, he knew you loved seeing him smirk, and you melted whenever he smiled.
"The problem is more of the fact that I don't want to have to live without you."
"Well that's your problem, not mine."
"Well do you ever feel that way about me?"
"What are you trying to say [Y/N]?" He turned from his precious motorcycle and looked at you, no smirk this time, just his full attention.
"I am saying, don't you ever worry that you will lose me?"
"No I am never worried about losing you, Hell I'm more worried about losing my bike then you." He laughed a bit at the end, his eyes looking at you like he didn't just indirectly tell you he loved his bike more then you.
"Wow, well just so you know Daryl the asshole Dixon, you are my whole God damn world and I don't think I could ever live without you!" You were so mad at this point that you just yelled the first thing that came to mind, knowing it wasn't the best comeback but you didn't care, and you stormed off, to where you were now.

As you blew a puff out you heard boots hit the metal of the roof, and clink across to where you were. "I thought you ran out?"
"I only got one left, you know unlike you I know how to save my smokes."
"Well can you spare one?" He sat next to you, which right now was not what you wanted.
"No, why don't you ask your bike, since you love her more then me."
"Now I never said that, and if about to tell you this next part you have to promise you won't open that pretty, little cake hole of yours, understand?"
"Whatever you want, but make it quick, this is almost burnt out." You lifted up the remaining half a cigarette you had, the ember glowing softly.
"Now I never said I didn't love your stubborn ass, Hell thats one of the reasons I feel in love with you. I only said I wasn't scared of losing you to a walker, because I know you can handle yourself, you are a damn good shoot and have a smart head on your shoulders. I would be more worried for the walkers that came in your path then you dying, and I know that we will always find each other, just look at the last time we got separated, we ended up finding each other again."
"Only because of how..."
"I said shut your cake hole so I can finish tellin' ya I love ya." You nodded towards him and took another drag.
"Now what I am worried about is that one day you will turn around and realize that I am no good for a smart, beautiful badass like you, that you will stop lovin me and abandon me. I mean Hell if the only way to keep ya is stop being so reckless then I'll do it, as long as it means you will stick around. I love you [Y/N], more then anything." He took your free hand in his and squeezed it a little.
"Even more then your bike?"
"Sunshine, I love you more then my bike and my crossbow." He let go of your hand and threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as you leaned your head on his chest.
"I love you too, now here." You held out the last cigarette and held it out to him, he took it and placed a kiss on your forehead before lighting up the last one and looked up at the stars with you. In that moment you realized that Daryl Dixon, the man who appeared like he could never love, or care about anything, loved you, and that all that mattered.

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