The type (Dean)

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"You never deserved me Winchester! For you are the mighty king of frisky woman, and one nights stands who has an unsettling addiction to pie and a strange bond with an angel. For you to be with me would be a joke, we all know you deserve a petite blonde who looks like a Barbie, not a 185 pound, ugly girl who has always been just one of the boys. Honestly Dean I have seen you prank Sam before like this, but this is a new low."

And that is exactly what happened, for now he had a pretty, skinny, blonde who wore too much makeup and wore too low of shirts. That was the day you broke your own heart, the day you took the words you always wanted to hear from Dean and set them on fire. For Dean had confessed his feelings for you, but you knew you weren't his type and even though you were leaping for joy at the confession, you knew it was a joke. It would just end in one of you getting hurt.

"Wait what do you mean?"
"Dean it is no secret you have a type, cheap, easy, blonde, skinny pussy that you can ditch in the morning."
"So that means I can't like a beautiful, funny..."
"Don't you dare." You started to tear up a bit.
"What say that you are funny? You always make me laugh, and I always find myself staring at you when I get you to giggle at a corny joke, for I love seeing that beautiful smile."
"Stop!" You yelled
"Stop what?"
"Stop lying! Stop saying I am beautiful and just stop playing this stupid joke!"
"But you are..."
"Don't fucking say it, just leave me alone." You hissed
"Fine." And then he stormed out
And then you cried, not only because you broke your own heart, but because you hated yourself.

"Deany boo?" She whined, her hand and fake pink, sparkly nails rested on his arm.
"Yes Jasmine?" He asked sweetly, squeezing her thigh lightly and smiling at her.
"I'm boreddddd." She whines, you look at Sam and roll your eyes as he looks at you with the seriously look.
"Well what would you like to do cupcake?"
"Well why can't we go to the bar? It would be fun."
"Sure cupcake, Sam, [Y/n], you wanna go?"
"Why can't we just go, like a date?" She said, for you were convinced she hated you.
"Well because I am sure they are bored too, Sammy you in?"
"I guess, as long as you are buying." Sam said, smiling slightly
"Ok, [y/n]?"
"Nah I'm good, I'll just get drunk here." You answered as Jasmine smiled wide, her smile quickly fell though with Dean's words
"Come on, you gotta come."
"Dean really..."
"If you don't go we don't go."
"Fine I guess I'll go." You sighed, looking at Sam in annoyance.
"Ok baby, let's go get ready." She leaned forward and kissed Dean, causing Sam to pretend gag as you stifled laughter.
"Ok cupcake." He was dragged out of the room by his hand, leaving you and Sam alone.
"God they are disgusting." You said as you took a sip of your beer
"You get that you caused that."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well you are the one who said no."
"Sam... We talked about this.  Just drop it." You stormed out

A light knock came from the door. "Hey, you okay?"
"Can I lie and say yea." You cried as the bed slightly dipped under the weight of the younger Winchester.
"What's wrong?"
"Well Dean just said he loved me, and thought I was beautiful."
"Well isn't that what you want?"
"Oh please Sam I am far from beautiful, I am just a fat, ugly bitch who has nothing Dean would want. We both know he has a type, and I ain't it."
"Well I'm sure Dean won't just..."
"Please Sam, I am not worthy of Dean." You said,"I'm not even worthy to myself." You whispered
"Well I think you are, and it's ok that you don't fit the type..."
"Can we just drop it?" You asked
"Yea." He whispered as you wiped the tears from your eyes as Sam engulfed you in a moose hug.

You and Sam sat in the back of the impala and watched the two in the front acting like a gross, gag worthy chick flick moment, which normally Dean hated, however right now, he was in one. You noticed though that ever once and a while those emerald eyes would find their way to the rear view to stare at you like he always did after a hunt. You would always look away when you saw them and listen as Jasmine quickly drew his eyes away from you.

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