Late night phone calls

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Crowley: 1:00 am

You slowly opened your eyes as you listened to the burner ring annoyingly. You also saw the clock as you reached for the phone, it was 1 in the morning.

"Someone better be fucking dying!" You answered annoyed

"Well hello to you too darling." A Scottish accent lovingly fell from your phone

"Crowley it is one in the morning." You whispered back, you heart melting when it came to the King of Hell calling you, even if you were sleeping

"Did I wake you my queen?" 

"No you know I was just reading a nice book, eating a sandwich." Sarcasm dripped off every word you said

"Do you want me to hang up?" 

"No, I miss you."

"I miss you too." was that a hint of sadness you detected in the king of hell's voice.

After that you talked about a lot of different stuff, you both laughing at the sarcastic comments, string of cuss words and the different things happening in hell while you shared the events of your boring day as a college student. When Crowley finally said goodbye it was 6 in the morning, and even though you were tired you were giddy and overjoyed to have talked to the short leprechaun you loved.

Gabriel: 10 pm 

You were sitting on your bed, which was littered with the different objects you needed for your Latin class. In less then 24 hours you would be taking your final and praying that you didn't fail miserably. As you were stressing out you heard the phone begin to ring, and you picked it up without looking at the ID, which said Candy Man.

"Hey this is [Y/N], how may I help you?"

"You sound stressed." You smiled as you realized who just happened to call you.

"Well you know, big final tomorrow in Latin."

"Cupcake you have like an A in that class. You will do fine, no need to stress."

"That's what you say but you aren't the one..."

"I'm coming to get you."

"Hey Feather butt you can't I told you I have to..."

"Be there in a sec." You heard wings behind you, turning to see him grinning at you.

"Hey Babe gotta go, hottie just showed up to distract me and make me fail my test."

"I'm sure you won't fail, and be careful. Don't want you to get burned."  He hung up and looked at me as I whispered, "I love you."

"So we are going for ice cream at the beach." He grabbed your hand as you excepted the fact that the study was going to have to wait.

Castiel: 3:30 Am 

"Cas, go to bed." You whispered into the phone, your boyfriend had called you at 8 pm and still wouldn't hang up. You had talked about everything imaginable, the purpose of testing lipstick on monkeys, the beauty of bees, the weather, your lives, you even played 20 questions. You were tired, since you were a human and needed sleep, however angels don't sleep, and you were going to hang up till he did.

"You know I don't need sleep sweetie. Have you ever wondered why humans need sleep?"

"No, I just submit and let sleep kinda do it's thing."you yawned and shut your eyes, listening to his voice.

"I mean if humans didn't sleep then they would accomplish so much more. They could observe all the wonders that occur when they are sleeping and spend more time with loved ones. I don't sleep and I'm fine. Also there would be more time for food, which would be a plus for you and Dean since you both have a hobby of eating a bunch of food. I always find it fascinating how you two eat so much but ever gain a..." He was cut off by the sound of you lightly snoring, forgetting that you were a human who needed sleep.

"Goodnight My Angel." He whispered to your sleeping state through the phone before hanging up.

Sam: 2 am

No one could deny that you and Sam made a cute couple, as you slowly started to fall asleep you were remembering what Dean had said earlier,

"If they get any cuter I might puke." 

Well here you were, across the bunker from each other on your cell phone.

"Why not just move into my room?" Sam asked you for the thousandth time

"Because I like having our own space."

"And that's why you call me the moment you say I'm going to bed and we both fall asleep on the phone?"

"Shhhhhh." You giggled, you could imagine the smile across his face as you giggled

"Maybe, I'll think about it." You answered.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too, but I feel like we have more important things to discuss."

"Like why is it that your brother is in a relationship with his car but won't tell anyone?"

Dean: Midnight

"When are you coming home?" you whined as you laid in your empty, cold bed alone after picking up your boyfriend's call

"Soon baby soon."

"Remind me again why I couldn't come with you?"

"Well remind me again who is 12 weeks pregnant?"

"Well remind me again who forgot a condom?" 

"You win." He muttered

"So how was your day?" 

You always tried to have normal conversations on the phone, they would last for hours, well into the mid-late morning when Sam would rip him from the phone just so he could go work. They were definatly your favorite part, especially the end of them.

"Babe I have to go, I love you."

"More then the Impala?"


"More then Pie?"


"More then Dr. McSexy?"

"Don't push it."

"Well I love you too, ya goof." and then he would hang up, because he didn't like goodbyes

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