Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Okay

    The handsome young man froze in mid-air just as he stretched out his hand ready to receive help from his compatriots.

    The scene was once very embarrassing!

    "That..." After a long while, the man withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, and forcibly held his respect: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly     !


Yan Mu spoke clearly, and spoke three times in Mandarin, which was comparable to that of an announcer, and his voice was crisp and bright.

    While talking, he dragged Qi Ruan back in a hurry, avoiding like a snake and a scorpion: "If you ask me to help, I will help, then I will lose face!" The

    handsome young man: "..."

    Are you a devil?


    Yan Mu wasn't joking, but really didn't want to get close to that handsome guy.

    Because he was worried that the terrifying alien plant like the vine in the cafeteria would hide among the grass in the flower beds beside the road, Yan Mu specially asked Qi Ruan, a local, to choose a very wide road with the sparsest grass and trees. avoid risk.

    As a result, this man was sitting beside the main road in such a weak posture. There were no traces of battle around, no corpses or blood, and he looked like a dog.

    Thinking of this, she snorted slightly, turned her head and said in a low voice to Qi Ruan beside her: "I tell you, the more beautiful a man is, the more he will deceive people, you must be vigilant!"

    Qi Ruan: "... "

    Yan Mu's voice was not too low, and the unknown commander-in-chief over there heard it too. Hearing this, his eyelids twitched, and he couldn't suppress his rant for a moment: "Wuji? Is it you? Wuji? "

    Yan Mu: "..."

    I stepped on the horse...

    Qi Ruan finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

    I don't know why, it's obviously the first time for these two people to meet, but if they didn't meet in this situation, Qi Ruan might think that these two are brothers and sisters of the opposite sex!

    After a while, she suppressed her laughter, gently tugged at Yan Mu's sleeve, tiptoed to her ear and whispered, "How about... let's help!"

    Yan Mu looked at her meaningfully glance.

    Yangou was captured so quickly!

    Qi Ruan knew what Yan Mu was thinking when she saw Yan Mu's expression, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

    This girl has such a naughty personality, how did she pretend to be serious when she was holding Zhizhu in the cafeteria?

    "Let me tell you, according to my experience, just look at his face, and he was injured but not seriously injured to death, and someone happened to pass by to rescue him, and the protagonist is probably the protagonist!"

    Qi Ruan vowed: "We are now It's just a leader, and when he develops in the future, this is the acquaintance at the end of the day, and it's giving charcoal in the snow, and this wave of blood is not losing money!"

    Yan Mu: "..." Didn't

    this silly elder sister lose her mind after reading novels?

    Looking at Qi Ruan with an expectant face, Yan Mu was silent for a moment, and then said two words expressionlessly: "Our mother!"

    Qi Ruan was only stunned for two seconds, and then decisively dragged Yan Mu to speed up his pace. Go: "Then let's go, don't delay."

    If the protagonist is not the protagonist, it's fart compared to my mother!

    Yan Mu followed Qi Ruan's strength and walked forward, looking back at the handsome man with a meaningful look in his eyes.

    Tsk tsk, even the "protagonist" is only worth two seconds to Qi Ruan, no more!

    "Are you sure you want to insist on leaving?" The calm voice from behind made Yan Mu stop in his tracks.

    Yan Mu turned around, squeezed the half-person-high wooden stick that came from the back kitchen, and looked at the handsome man expressionlessly: "What do you mean?"

    At this time, the man was still half-sitting with a weak look On the ground, but in his left hand, he picked up a fist-sized stone at some point, and raised his chin towards the diagonally lower corner: "I just made a suggestion, do you want to think about it again?"

    Yan Mu followed his Looking at the past, the originally dazed and unfocused eyes suddenly converged on one point, and his breathing suddenly stagnated.

    What they were walking on now was an avenue about six to seven meters wide. There was no grass on both sides of the road that was so dense during this period of time, and there were no tall trees, only ankle-high green grass.

    At this time, a lavender patch with a diameter of about ten meters appeared in the grass about twenty meters away from the man, swaying with the ups and downs of the breeze.

    The key is that the current wind speed, which even shakes the hair from side to side a few times, is simply not enough to make them form such undulating swings!

    This kind of purple is too light, and Yanmu's attention was all on that man before, so that she has been discovering the existence of that thing.

    What's even more frightening is that in just a minute or two of her observation, the purple light spot has expanded in a circle...

    "When I first discovered it, it was only 20 centimeters in diameter, and there were still people around me." There are a bunch of bloody bones..." There was a

    very relaxed smile on the pale and handsome face, but the left hand holding the stone had already burst out with veins: "Do you want to try how fast it is? How fast?"

    His meaning is already very clear, either go together or die together!

    After a long while, Yan Mu let out a long sigh of relief, and then fixed his gaze on the man's face, as if he wanted to engrave this face deeply in his mind.

    Her expression was serious and sincere, and she said to the man: "What was the first sentence you said when you saw the two of us? Do you remember?"

    The man thought for a while, and slowly said: "I said... can you help Am I doing you a favor?"

    A smile appeared on Yan Mu's face: "Okay!"

    The author has something to say:

    Yesterday, on Valentine's Day, when everyone else was spreading dog food sweetly, I worked on my essay until after twelve o'clock Can you believe it?

    Only at this time can you experience the benefits of being single...

    Whether it is a little fairy who followed from the previous book or a new little fairy, I will be more careful with you.

    And this chapter is short, as an apology, the red envelopes will continue to be distributed under this chapter, and the update will be updated tomorrow.

    Finally, cuties, ask for a collection!

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