Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

    Before he had time to think about where this familiar feeling of deja vu came from, the next second, Zhao Bo was disturbed by the sudden severe pain from all parts of his body!


    His whole body was thrown into the air, and the sky was spinning in an instant. A moment later, there was another dull impact sound, and Zhao Bo was almost vomited out of gallbladder.

    In the haze, Yanmu's angry roar came from his ears: "Hey! I smashed you to death!"

    Zhao Bo: "..."

    Before you step on the horse, you should weigh the tools first!


    The others were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

    It was a gray mutant monkey who was fighting Yan Mu at this moment!

    This is the only mutant creature they have seen so far that has not changed in size compared to before the global mutation, but its combat power is more than ten times stronger!

    It seems that it has not been gifted by evolutionary genes, and its appearance does not look beautiful.

    The gray fur all over the body is bald here and there, even half of the head is bald, and the eyes are not as agile as some of the mutated animals they have seen before, but irrational dark red and fierce, making people People are intimidated.

    Moreover, every time this gray mutant monkey was knocked back by Yan Mu with the "Zhao's Big Shield", it seemed that it had not received any injuries, and its sharper and sharper claws rubbed against the ground and burst out dazzlingly. Mars, while leaving a finger-deep scratch on the ground, used this force to stabilize his figure, and continued to attack Yan Mu again at a faster speed, ferocious and tyrannical.

    As time passed, Yan Mu's expression became more serious.

    This is the most aggressive creature she has ever met!

    Compared with it, the few giant cats and giant snakes in the cafeteria of Haicheng University at the beginning of the mutation are slightly inferior...

    Thinking of this, she glanced worriedly at the "Zhao's Great Shield" that she was waving around in her hand.

    The small black pot and the lid of the pressure cooker are useless, she really doesn't have a weapon at hand, otherwise she wouldn't attack Zhao Bo again and again.

    But Zhao Bo is only a body of flesh and blood after all, it's okay to come here once in a while, if it takes a long time, it won't break people, right?


    At the very beginning, when Yan Mu saw the shattered head of the corpse, he felt something was wrong, so when he realized the danger later and wanted the "Zhao's meat shield" to come back, he immediately asked Mr. Zhao Bo Protected the head and fragile internal organs.

    It was also because of this that Zhao Bo, whose head was locked in a small black pot, could not see the outside world.

    However... others can!

    At this time, Yan Mu clasped the thick rattan armor on Zhao Bo's body with one hand, and propped up his body with the other hand, using Zhao Bo's tall and burly body as a shield, and whenever the mysterious gray shadow came, he swung it directly. Set up the "Zhao's Great Shield" to block the opponent's offensive.

    From a distance, the petite Yan Mu was carrying the tall and burly Zhao Bo, just like an ordinary person wielding a 40-meter-long sword to fight. The picture... is

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