Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

    In fact, even before the end of the world, the intelligence of many animals was already very high.

    For example, the recognized smartest dog, Border Collie, has an IQ equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old child, and they can understand and execute many human commands accurately.

    In fact, the IQ of cats is not lower than that of dogs, and some are even smarter, but cats are such creatures...

    To use a joke on the Internet-don't guess what women think!

    The subject of this sentence is also applicable to cats.

    It's smart, mysterious, languid, and charming.

    It can reveal its soft belly to you, and it will also stretch out its sharp claws to you!

    Everyone knows that dogs were domesticated from wolves, but until now there is still a saying that cats were never really domesticated!

    It chooses to integrate into human society, choose to live with human beings, it is just the most suitable choice based on survival.

    Therefore, the fate of stray dogs who leave humans is mostly miserable, but most stray cats can adapt well.

    It is precisely because of its uncertainty that when people mention smart animals, they think of dogs, dolphins, elephants, and even pigs, and they don’t think of cats, animals that you don’t know when they will go crazy ...

    What's more, after these two days of getting along, Yan Mu is very convinced that these fat raccoons that have begun to evolve can definitely understand anything she says.


    Thinking of this, Yan Mu rubbed his ears that were sore from Haitang's cry, and calmly stretched out his hand to turn the fat cat's head into a bird's nest.

    Hmm... the flickering mode is officially on.

    "Go Pikachu!" she said enthusiastically again.


    Haitang let out a threatening moan in her throat, her ears instantly turned into airplane ears, and she stood there motionless, with a cat face that stinks frighteningly.


    I won't leave!

    It's just a cat!

    And why not a porter!

    Yan Mu was not afraid of its bad face, and started to play the emotional card with it.


    Yan Mu sighed, his voice seemed to be full of disappointment: "Did you forget who pulled you up by shit and pee when you were young? Have you forgotten that you were the most At that time, I didn’t go to the bathroom regularly, who chased after your ass and shoveled your shit?”

    After speaking, Yan Mu patted his chest with a very sad look: “It’s me !"

    Haitang: "..."

    Although you are right, and you were really skinny when you were young, but...

    don't the other two protagonists who also participated in this incident deserve to have names?


    Yan Mu didn't keep staring at the cat. After all, unless the emotion was particularly obvious, it was quite difficult to see any micro-expressions on a furry cat's face.

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