Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

    By the time Sinan returned with a bottle of Zizhu dew that he had finally squeezed from Zizhu's body carefully, Yan Mu had already fallen asleep.

    She had been in a coma for five days, and her body was already in an extremely weak state. If Yan Cheng'an hadn't been afraid that she would be too worried, she wouldn't have insisted on talking for so long...

    and here, as soon as Sinan approached the hut, he followed Zheng Yan Cheng'an who came out of the room had a face-to-face meeting.

    Si Nan looked at Yan Chengan who was still holding an empty bowl in his hand, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "Uncle Yan, you're here again..."

    After Yan Mu's accident, Yan Chengan was dragged out by the irritated Mu Yi After walking away for a while, he has been keeping Yanmu close at every step since then.

    So it's not surprising to see him here.

    It's just... a little embarrassing.

    And he went straight here as soon as he came back, and he didn't meet anyone else along the way, so he still doesn't know the news of Yan Mu waking up


    Yan Chengan looked at the seven or eight hairs behind him, big and small. Sinan of the group suddenly felt hot eyes, but when he saw the blood-soaked dark red clothes on his chest again, he instantly forgot what he wanted to say.

    "What's going on?" Yan Chengan frowned so much that he could kill a mosquito: "What did you touch? Why did the wound burst again?"

    "It's okay..."

    Sinan didn't go into details, but brought the matter up in one sentence, and then raised his hand. Pick up the small bottle containing Zizhu dew and show it to Yan Chengan: "Uncle Yan, I just realized that since the fruit of the spirit tree can save the prince, other spirits of the same level should be able to do so, so I'll go I found the purple bamboo we transplanted back then..." Yan Chengan's eyes lit up instantly, and     he

    hurriedly asked, "How did it turn out? Did you get anything useful? Is it in here?"

I was so frightened that I lost my mind, I hadn't thought of this at all.

    Sinan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yes, and it feels not much worse than the spirit fruit, but I don't know if the effect of the medicine will dissipate after a long time, so I got it and sent it here."

    Speaking of this, he saw Looking at Yan Chengan's haggard and tired face, he couldn't help but said: "Uncle Yan, don't worry, Yan Muji has his own aura, and he will definitely wake up in a short time!"

    The excitement on Yan Chengan's face faded away, bringing "Yanmu has woken up!" said with a bit of displeasure.

    What do you mean it won't be long?

    Don't think that you are not as crow-mouthed as Qi Ruan, I don't shy away from this!

    Simon: "..."

    Wake up...wake up?

    Looking at the small bottle in his hand, he suddenly doubted life.

    Prince Haitang and the others were squatting obediently behind Sinan at first, but after hearing Yan Chengan's words, they jumped up excitedly, and their figures turned into afterimages at this moment. When he didn't react, he rushed into the hut.

    Bai Jiahei's reaction was a bit slow, and after a while, he realized what he had found, and he followed his little friend into the room in excitement. It was at the very back, but the door frame was too small for it to squeeze in.

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