Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Dark Cuisine

    After Yan Mu's words fell, the whole space fell into silence for an instant.

    Including Si Nan, whose eyes were swollen until there was only a slit left, everyone looked at her expressionlessly.

    Being stared at by several pairs of eyes so unblinkingly, Yan Mu was thick-skinned, so she couldn't help being a little embarrassed at this moment. After a long while, she tentatively said, "Why don't I... I'm not awakened?"

    Everyone : "..."

    Do you fucking think it's a light switch, turn it on if you want, turn it off if you want?

    It's also a nine-year compulsory education, why are you so handsome!

    Cao An and the others were very speechless, and it took a long time for Sinan to catch his breath at the end, and he spoke first: "Then you 'awakened'...a fortifier or an elementalist?"

    He understood now, Xiu and the others were Absolutely beautiful but not admirable, since this is the case, there is no need to care about those details, just go straight.

    Yan Mu gave him a look of "You are on the way", and then said cheerfully: "A strengthener, a strengthener, the kind of strengthener who can carry a tripod!"

    Hearing that the strength can carry a tripod, he hurriedly took the first-aid kit and rushed over Qi Ruan's complexion suddenly turned black.

    It's not over yet, is it?

    "Haha...cough cough cough..."

    Si Nan couldn't help laughing, but halfway through the laugh he broke out into a violent cough, and it took him a while to recover, grinning and said: "If I'm not wrong, You must have 'awakened' fire elemental masters, right?"

    Yan Mu looked at him sincerely, "You are so wise!"

    Sinan: "..."

    I believed your evil!


    In the end, the two sides successfully reached this cooperation.

    Plant creatures are mostly afraid of fire, while creatures living in the dark are afraid of light. This is an instinct engraved in their genes for millions of years, and it is impossible for major changes to occur because of the three-day evolution.

    Therefore, the fire elementalist actually restrains the existence of this kind of environment very much!

    Among Sinan's group, Sinan is a dark-type elementalist, Chen Lin is a gold-type elementalist, Cao An and Grandpa Chen are strengtheners, and there is no fire-type elementalist.

    Not to mention that Grandpa Chen is too old to be on the front line, even as an intensifier of the existence of a human shield at this stage, in the case of suddenly entering such a dangerous environment, one person seems a bit stretched.

    The arrival of Yan Mu and Qi Ruan just made up for the shortcomings of their team.


    "I feel that there are three things that can accelerate evolution, and they should be located at the roots of the three mutated plants. We will take one, and you will take two. When the car is out, I will share a third of your supplies !"

    Sinan, who had already dealt with Yan Mu several times, understood her character a little bit, and when he said the loot distribution plan directly, a smile appeared on his face, which gradually changed from green and black to pale: "After all, this time We are the ones who ask you for help..."

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