Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 August day, woman's face

    The sky in August is like a woman's face...

    that's called changing at will!

    Just now it was as if it was going to rain forever, but in just a moment, the sun broke through the thick dark clouds, revealing the blue sky again.

    The dewdrops still hanging on the tip of the grass reflected colorful light under the sunlight!

    After the heavy rain, the dust particles floating in the air were carried by the raindrops to the ground, and the whole world seemed to have been washed by water, becoming clear and bright.


    If I really want to describe it, it's probably the difference between myopia before and after wearing glasses...

    It's just that the difference from this fresh and elegant natural beauty is the bustling scene next to the gas station.


    Not to mention the two groups of people Qi Ruan and Si Nan who gathered around Yan Mu as soon as he put on his posture to watch a good show, that family and the Mercedes-Benz glasses elite who have never dared to get too close or too far away Male, at this time, I couldn't help but come over curiously.

    To tell the truth, they had been on the road for four or five days, and met many people along the way, but this was the first time they saw someone fleeing for their lives, and they still brought all the kitchen utensils with them!

    There are even gas tanks for riding horses...

    However, when they saw Yan Mu's subsequent actions, the expressions on everyone's faces instantly cracked!


    What the hell is this riding horse!


    Before, Yan Mu and the others also shot a few evolved mutant birds on the way, but they didn't deal with them due to the conditions, and they happened to be used as the main food by Yan Mu today!

    In front of him, Yan Mu seemed to be dancing, walking briskly through the messy pots and pans. Although his face was solemn, his eyes were amazingly bright.

    At this moment, while she was performing the movements on her hands, she was forcibly explaining her movements in a cheerful and exaggerated chant tone.

    "Take the mutated bird and blanch it for initial depilation. After washing, roast the skin for ten minutes on low heat to make it golden in color.

    " "

    Marinate with cooking wine, salt, ginger and garlic, pepper powder, chicken essence, and mature vinegar, and massage for half an hour..."

    Although the pots and pans are very messy, Ke Yanmu seems to have a plan in mind, like It's the same as knowing the precise location of everything, and quickly walking back and forth among the many ingredients and tools without causing any confusion.

    When I got here, the painting style was actually quite normal. Looking at her serious handling of food, people who don't know her might really think that she is a serious person... But

    wait for the fifteen minutes of pickling the ingredients to pass , but the painting style suddenly changed, and the appearance changed in an instant!


    "After 15 minutes of marinating, the skin that was browned and fragile after being roasted on a low fire has reabsorbed the sauce, becoming moist and full of tension, and it feels extra elastic..."

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