Chapter 136

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Chapter 136

    From ancient times to the present, human beings have never stopped exploring the unknown realm of the sky...

    The bright and endless starry sky is like people's curiosity about life and the future, and it will always attract people to continue to explore and move forward!

    Before the apocalypse, Yan Mu had flown on a plane, and also participated in extreme sports such as bungee jumping and skydiving when traveling abroad with his family. But that feeling and the feeling of flying freely on Condor Hero with no protection, as if you can touch the wind with your hands, are completely different concepts!


    Ten minutes later...

    In the air about twenty meters above the ground, Yan Mu pulled the rope wrapped around the body of the Condor Hero, squinted his eyes slightly, and half-kneeled in front of the Condor Hero in the face of the strong wind. on the spine.

    It's just that after the initial excitement of "going to heaven" passed, feeling that the Condor Hero was not much faster than his usual speed, Yan Mu suddenly felt an indescribable anger welling up in his heart.

    Is this the speed of Condor Hero?

    Fudge it!

    After a long while, she took a deep breath, and after thinking about it, she still felt that she should give Condor Hero another chance, so she bent down, pulled the feathers around the neck of Condor Hero, and roared against the howling wind: "Don't you feel that the speed is a little bit wrong?" The

    Condor Hero was flapping his wings slowly, and when he heard this, he lazily replied: "Hey!" Something's


    How could there be something wrong with the car driven by the Condor Hero!

    Yan Mu: "..."

    After a while, she sneered, and suddenly pulled out a hand that was pulling the rope and pressed it on the wings of your Condor Hero, and said expressionlessly: "The child is always slow, probably because he is used to flying." Yes, just     pluck out the feathers and beat them!"

    Condor Hero: "..." Pull the feathers?     Is it so devilish?     "call out!"

    In less than three seconds after Yan Mu's words fell, Condor Hero seemed to have taken a stimulant suddenly, his wings flapped wildly in an instant, and he rushed upwards with an unrivaled posture!

    It flew faster and higher, and it flew out of the radiating range of the ginkgo tree canopy in just a dozen seconds, revealing itself under the blue sky!

    Afterwards, while maintaining this speed, Condor Hero turned his head and gave Yan Mu a flattering grunt.


    Yan Mu sneered, and withdrew his hand from the Condor Hero's wings.

    This is what I owe!


    And after Condor Hero stopped releasing water, Yan Mu finally had the mood to take a good look at the current mountain city from a high altitude.

    The mountain city has been known as the city of fog since before the end of the world, and it is hazy with clouds and fog for several months in a year. And this situation became more and more obvious after the vegetation became more lush after the end of the world.

    It was about seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and the morning fog had already risen, shrouding the whole city in a haze.

    The clouds and mist are curling up, like a fairyland.

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