Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

    Regardless of what kind of weird image Sinan has as a weapon supplier, he can say what he says at the moment, anyway, other people's attention is not on this sentence now...

    Praying mantis, also known as knife mantis, arthropod , six-legged insects, which spread all over the world before the end of the world, are relatively common insects.

    However, the largest praying mantis before the end of the world was only more than ten centimeters, but the length of the mantis in front of Yan Mu was more than five meters just by visual inspection!

    It has been more than a month since the end of the world appeared, and the mutant creatures that Yan Mu has seen far exceed double digits, but if you take these mutant creatures to make a statistics, you can find that compared with mammals, this crazy evolutionary wave On the contrary, it is more vividly displayed on insects!


    At this time, this giant praying mantis stood quietly 20 meters away from everyone. Its huge compound eyes were divided into two ends of the triangular head, and its neck was almost completely able to rotate freely. In nature, this ability is very important when hunting. Can play a very big role.

    As time went by, it gradually half erected its body, its fat belly rubbed against the ground and made rustling noises, its forelimbs were raised high, like holding a death scythe with sharp sawtooth over two meters, giving people a feeling A sense of dread that makes the hair stand on end.

    The atmosphere instantly became extremely tense!

    Looking at the terrifying creature in front of him, Yan Mu held his breath and focused, holding Qian Xin, who was almost cut in half just now, his legs and feet were so frightened that he couldn't move, and carefully opened the distance between him and it step by step.

    After the apocalypse, except for a glimpse of the giant dragonfly vying for the fruit when the beast horde appeared, Yan Mu has hardly had any dealings with insects...     They are not like breastfeeding Animals have a clear heartbeat, regular breathing, warm body temperature and blood, coupled with a very camouflaged appearance that can almost blend with plants, almost made Yan Mu, who has always been cautious, almost stunned!     If Haitang hadn't meowed suddenly, Yan Mu might not have been able to save Qian Xin at the last moment!     ...

    "What do you think?" The

    two confronted each other, and in the silence, Sinan cautiously moved to Yan Mu's side, without leaving his gaze from the ferocious killer in front of him for a moment, but said to Yan Mu:

    "I've thought about it. Compared with most people, we are a better group of people, but even we only have kitchen knives and hatchets, and even iron pots and pressure cooker lids...

    "In this kind of In peaceful times, when thermal weapons are completely controlled, we have absolutely no way to get weapons at hand...

    "Elementalists are a little bit better, at least they have their own attack methods, but if the enhancers encounter people like praying mantises or iron An evolutionary creature like a beetle with its own advantages has almost lost half of its combat power..."

    When Yan Mu heard this, he glanced at Si Nan expressionlessly, but didn't say anything else.

    Simon's words were not pleasant, but they were true.

    In the period when the end of the world just came, the ability to evolve creatures was still very weak, and elementalists could squeeze a few drops of water or light a small flame like a lighter at most, which could not form combat power at all, so at that time the enhancers were the main force.

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