Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    Outside the jungle, on the asphalt road covered with lush and tough grass roots, the atmosphere unexpectedly stagnated because of Wu Fei's appearance.

    Mr. Chen is old and mature. Instead of looking at the mutated porcupine and the thorny flower demon again at this time, he held Sinan in one hand and Cao An in the other, and with the power of a strengthener, quickly opened the gap between him and them. distance.

    Originally, before Wu Fei appeared, even if they retreated temporarily and handed over the corpses of these two third-order mutant creatures, they might not be able to escape with their lives, but now it is not necessarily the case...

    because the center of the contradiction has shifted !

    After a long while, in the quiet jungle, the person who hadn't shown up before spoke out again, and the voice was a bit chilly: "You want to stop me?"

    Here, the guy with dreadlocks stroked his body and suddenly got goosebumps , curled his lips and said: "What the hell do you think this is a TV show! Still stopping you? It's disgusting!" What

    he dislikes the most in his life is this kind of pretense!

    The mysterious pretender who didn't show his face: "..."

    I stepped on the horse...

    Here, after Sinan secretly absorbed another spirit grease, the pain that seemed to be drained of mental power eased a lot. He couldn't help showing a smile.

    This little guy is pretty funny!

    Just thinking of this, Wu Fei already looked towards him, and waved happily to greet him: "Hey, Sinan, we meet again!"

    Sinan slightly hooked the corners of his lips, adding a touch of jade color to his face: "Probably because we are more destined."

    Although he only met once on the road, Hong Feng's team still left a very deep impression on him.

    Especially the guy with dreadlocks and the girl who wanted to dissect the corpse of the mutant creature back then, the style of painting is quite strange.

    "What fate is not fate? If we had known that your goal was also a mountain city, we might have left together!" Wu Fei said carelessly: "If someone hadn't asked us about you two days ago, we wouldn't have known about it. Son!"

    Si Nan's heart moved slightly, but his face remained calm, he smiled and said, "Is it Yan Mu? She probably isn't sure when we will come over."

    Si Nan finally understood why he was in such a place I met that fat cat...

    Although Wu Fei was careless, he never took the initiative to approach Sinan and the direction where the voice came from, and even said casually at this time: "Since You are already here, why don't you let that girl come out to meet you?"

    Sinan smiled calmly: "I didn't expect to encounter such an accident outside the city, but I have sent someone to look for her, and I should be there soon. "

    Wu Fei's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Two? I remember that there are six of you in total."     Sinan

    was as immovable as a mountain: "One is enough!"

For unknown people, it is a threat and a deterrent.

    After Chen Lin was taken away, Sinan knew that Zhang Tong would not be of much use in the battle, so he asked him to hide in the dark in advance, and wait until they were really facing a life-and-death crisis, which was also a way out.

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