Chapter 124

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Chapter 124

    After hearing Si Nan's words, Yan Mu was only stunned for a moment, then suddenly quickened his pace and walked outside.

    Si Nan picked up Yan Yan casually, put her on Chestnut's back and let it carry her away, then followed Yan Mu's pace.

    Big Ginkgo is their base camp, and the scrapped [Clearer] is also here, so under normal circumstances, Yan Mu and the others will not let outsiders approach this central area, and most of the time Yan Chengan is outside. Outsiders are received in the temporary small house.

    In fact, with the current situation in the mountain city, there are usually no outsiders...


    The fifth-order spirit grease that Qin Rui traded with us before was accidentally obtained from Jiao Snake, and they are not unfamiliar with it... ..."

    Si Nan spoke very quickly and introduced the cause and effect: "They are now living in our former safe zone. Once someone got up in the middle of the night and saw that snake with its head on the wall looking at them... ...

    "They were frightened to death, but the flood snake had no intention of attacking them, but they saw it again the next morning...

    "It kept wandering outside the safe zone, with its size and strength , can easily enter the safe zone, but it didn't attack anyone, it just put a lot of pressure on others, so after it left the safe zone for a short time, Qin Rui immediately brought people over to find us..."

    " What does it want to do? Retaliation?" Yan Mu's expression was very ugly: "If it came to investigate because it sensed our presence in the safe area, then why didn't it..."

    When he said this, Yan Mu suddenly He stopped in his tracks and stopped talking at the same time.

    She turned her head to look at Sinan, who was also shocked, and then raised her head suddenly, looking at the dense golden canopy of the ginkgo tree above her head.

    After a while, she murmured: "So... it is afraid of the big ginkgo, and wants to lure us out before attacking us?"

    Yan Mu was shocked.

    The intelligence of this flood snake is actually higher than what they imagined!

    Si Nan's face was as sinking as water, and he said after a long while: "Actually, this is not entirely a bad thing. We can at least be sure that even if the strength of the ginkgo tree does not exceed that snake, it can basically be evenly divided with it. Otherwise, it would have killed it directly. Instead of trying to lure us out!"

    Yan Mu's face was still ugly, she didn't speak, but her pace unconsciously became a little faster.

    Even so, what if the snake sees that she hasn't taken the bait for a long time, and starts to massacre other people in the safe zone or in the mountain city?

    This incident was caused by her, how could she not care about anything?

    But if she did, how could she have a chance of winning in the face of a flood snake that was so powerful that it could be evenly matched with the big ginkgo?

    Do I still have to pin my hopes on the mysterious power in her body that even she doesn't know how to trigger it?

    Yan Mu's heart suddenly became heavier.


    all the way without words.

    A group of three people and a cat quickly arrived at the small house on the radiating edge of the ginkgo tree canopy. Seeing them arriving, Yan Chengan immediately waved to them: "Come and have a look." When

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